One thing I never understood about the Gata logic


Jan 29, 2012
The Gata always says "this game meant more to UM than UF". They also say that "they legitimized our program". From the series inception in 1938 through 1987 Florida had the series lead of 25-24. hardly the domination they precieve they have over us. I know there no logical explanation for what the Gata thinks. This was just something the jumped out to me when I really started thinking on it.
4 national championships before they won 1 but they legitimized our program. They're dumbasses. Nothing more.
To have logic they must first be rational. You are giving them too much credit. They are still suffering from PTSD as a result of the defeat.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the following are some of the symptoms of PTSD and they seems to fit closely with what we are observing:

2. Avoidance symptoms
Staying away from places, events, or objects that are reminders of the experience
Feeling emotionally numb
Feeling strong guilt, depression, or worry
Losing interest in activities that were enjoyable in the past
Having trouble remembering the dangerous event.

So lay back and just enjoy this win and don't over rationalize it. :crownpour:
They are correct, the game always meant more to us. Every game always meant more to us. Why, because, unlike the gator, our games were usually steping stones to a NC game. Theirs on the other hand are more like last free time before the jail cell door closes. We will win two more NCs before the gator win another sec title. Oh one more thing:

21 - 16