Not Diaz fault?

SCarolina Ibis

Medical Redshirt
May 28, 2017
You idiots saying "its not Diaz fault because BlAkE hIrEd HiM" are just making excuses for Diaz because your precious pride can't admit what the rest of the country is acknowledging. Diaz sucks as a head coach and what happens on the field is a result of HIS poor coaching.

What would you asshats do if Diaz decided to agree with you, saying "its not my fault my team leads the nation in missed tackles because I shouldn't have been hired in the first place"?

Should Diaz have been hired? Not only NO but fvck NO.
Should the dip**** who hired him be fired? Not only YES but fvck YES.
Blake James has failed at HIS job. And HE should suffer the consequences for HIS failures. But bj's failures do NOT absolve Manny of his own.

Manny Diaz is a 47 year old grown *** man. At some point you have to stop blaming the parent for the actions of an adult. Either get off your pedestal and admit the guy is a joke or stfu. Because all you're doing is defending him and making yourself look stupid.
Mad Max Reaction GIF
I can’t lie that also bothers me when people say that. Of course Blake James is to be blamed for hiring him in the first place, but the complete abysmal display of “football” we play every Saturday is all on Manny. The penalties, lack of discipline, continuing to play bad players, terrible scheme, missed tackles, etc .. is all on the HC. The offense is terrible once again, he hired Enos and he whiffed, now he hired Lashlee and he also whiffs. So Manny is to be blamed for the offense as well imo. The special teams is bad other than the specialists, Patke was brought in by Manny. I mean the list just goes on and on. They have gave Manny plenty of chances to turn this around he’s failed MISERABLY. End of discussion. Don’t get me wrong, Blake James should definitely get fired before Manny just off the fact that he hired him and all the other programs are dumpster fires. Blake James hired the WORST head coach in the history of the program, so they are just as bad as each other. That’s just my opinion.
You’re yelling at clouds.

Anyone saying “don’t blame Manny for having the job” is saying there are problems above him in the food chain that need to be solved that are as, or more, pressing than Manny’s coaching.
I hope there truly is a sense of panic with the powers that be.
totally agree with you Bro .... but there was no panic losing to La Tech, FIU, or being totally embarrassed by UNC .... sadly it really looks
like we are stuck with mandy as long as his lisping *** wants to be HC. really hope I am wrong .
Diaz is only part of the problem. The bigger issue is Blake James. He hired a coach with no experience without even doing a proper coaching search. It's one thing to say "we did a search and Manny was he best option." He just decided it was best to pay Temple to get him back. He didn't do much of a search with when he hired Richt. Richt himself admitted he wanted a year off. We saw in his third year that Richt just looked defeated.
Diaz is only part of the problem. The bigger issue is Blake James. He hired a coach with no experience without even doing a proper coaching search. It's one thing to say "we did a search and Manny was he best option." He just decided it was best to pay Temple to get him back. He didn't do much of a search with when he hired Richt. Richt himself admitted he wanted a year off. We saw in his third year that Richt just looked defeated.
Richt has parkinson's diesase and apparently stress from coaching can make it worse. Can't blame him, so him needing a year off really makes sense.. Really just wish he hadn't of been stubborn while he was here in regards to his son and having an OC/QB coach. He left the program in a much better position than when he arrived, and for that I'm thankful. He also gave us the 2017 season which was at least a fun time to be canes fan as well as the first bowl win in a long time.
Richt has parkinson's diesase and apparently stress from coaching can make it worse. Can't blame him, so him needing a year off really makes sense.. Really just wish he hadn't of been stubborn while he was here in regards to his son and having an OC/QB coach. He left the program in a much better position than when he arrived, and for that I'm thankful. He also gave us the 2017 season which was at least a fun time to be canes fan as well as the first bowl win in a long time.
A quality athletic director would have corrected Richt in those situations and gave him no choice but to find an OC.
A quality athletic director would have corrected Richt in those situations and gave him no choice but to find an OC.
Also we probably both agree that Flake James isn't a quality AD. Yet the rumors were that he actually told Richt to fix the offense right before he stepped down. It is definately a tough situation though, as a HC you don't want to be micromanaged and want control over the program. Same reason why Saban didn't work out with the dolphins yet flourished at Bama. They gave him full control over the program. Richt was just too stubborn to realize the issues.

I think Manny is stubborn also, but what is strange is that he's made changes and addressed the issues on the team, but it's like he only see's *some* of the issues and can't see the program from the top down. I don't hate Manny I just think he's in over his head. He wasn't ready for this size of a job. He was offered a huge raise and given his dream job whether or not he was qualified or prepared. In reality who would actually turn that down?
Also we probably both agree that Flake James isn't a quality AD. Yet the rumors were that he actually told Richt to fix the offense right before he stepped down. It is definately a tough situation though, as a HC you don't want to be micromanaged and want control over the program. Same reason why Saban didn't work out with the dolphins yet flourished at Bama. They gave him full control over the program. Richt was just too stubborn to realize the issues.

I think Manny is stubborn also, but what is strange is that he's made changes and addressed the issues on the team, but it's like he only see's *some* of the issues and can't see the program from the top down. I don't hate Manny I just think he's in over his head. He wasn't ready for this size of a job. He was offered a huge raise and given his dream job whether or not he was qualified or prepared. In reality who would actually turn that down?
Yep, he was given his dream job and didn't even have to interview or compete with other applicants. Smh.
totally agree with you Bro .... but there was no panic losing to La Tech, FIU, or being totally embarrassed by UNC .... sadly it really looks
like we are stuck with mandy as long as his lisping *** wants to be HC. really hope I am wrong .
I hope so too. This lowering of the bar and making failure acceptable is perhaps where the University wants to be, or as some here have suggested the University is content with their share of the ACC revenues. In retrospect, I am starting to believe the stretch of good coaches/winning seasons was just a stroke of good fortune, not by intent. This just might be where we’ll stay for the foreseeable future.
Also we probably both agree that Flake James isn't a quality AD. Yet the rumors were that he actually told Richt to fix the offense right before he stepped down. It is definately a tough situation though, as a HC you don't want to be micromanaged and want control over the program. Same reason why Saban didn't work out with the dolphins yet flourished at Bama. They gave him full control over the program. Richt was just too stubborn to realize the issues.

I think Manny is stubborn also, but what is strange is that he's made changes and addressed the issues on the team, but it's like he only see's *some* of the issues and can't see the program from the top down. I don't hate Manny I just think he's in over his head. He wasn't ready for this size of a job. He was offered a huge raise and given his dream job whether or not he was qualified or prepared. In reality who would actually turn that down?
Agree with your assessment. Manny is not manager material. He is more suited for middle management. Hence his view of things and actions that have neither a head nor a tail.
Is Manny to be blamed for choosing to be HC at Miami instead of Temple? **** no.

Now, the one that hired him and leveraged years of our program without interviewing a single other soul? 100% of the blame.
Agree with your assessment. Manny is not manager material. He is more suited for middle management. Hence his view of things and actions that have neither a head nor a tail.
the only thing mandy can really do well is what the ******* did at ESPN ---- fetching coffee !! he needs to go back to doing that