Off-Topic New Tennessee Drunk Driving Law

Same reason that I, as an obviously middle aged man well above the drinking age, had to show ID to buy a 6 pack of beer at a gas station in TN. The clerk took offense when I asked if he was serious.
My friend, I was just up there and the carding was so incredible my group was constantly astounded by it. Literally every single place I bought alcohol I was carded. I'm ******* 40. At one place we stopped for lunch, I tried ordering a second beer for my wife while she was sitting at the table and they wouldn't give me her beer until I walked over to her, grabbed her ID, and brought it back to the counter.
Same reason that I, as an obviously middle aged man well above the drinking age, had to show ID to buy a 6 pack of beer at a gas station in TN. The clerk took offense when I asked if he was serious.
Stopped at a gas station that was run by some islanders. They had a cardboard sign up saying that for anything with age restrictions they check IDs unless you are clearly over 100.
I get what you're trying to say but there's no way around it man. Regardless of how many drinks you have or how much you think your body can handle, drinking and driving is not a mistake. That's a simple choice that you made. Not trying to be an *** but this is literally undebatable.
I get it, but just makes you wonder why a bar, or any place that serves alcohol, has a parking lot. They should just have an uber pick up spot.
Guess depends on how rough a life you have lIved.
It hasn't been easy, but overall, I'm often told I don't look my age.

I keep getting ads mow for "All Male Uber Fantasy Drivers: Ee Get You Home Safe From Da Club" Says for me to bring my own oil.

Legit? Anyone try these guys?
Great point.

How do they make payments while incacerated?

Seize their assets? Judgment against car insurance?

Regardless, no pity for dumb 'fəks who do that. That my loved one killed, I'll hunt the offender and their family and fire up the wood chipper.

Then put it on 1/2 speed.
The saying round here is 'feet first.' If you know you know.
I agree , but two beers with dinner and you can be listed over the limit. You may not think it or feel like it, but you can be. Then have an accident and everyone’s life is done.

If you are a habitual offender or severely intoxicated, then charge them with everything you can. Those people don’t deserve the leniency.

Like I said earlier, I agree and disagree with this one.
I get the point about legally drunk, but you are still guilty of vehicular homicide in this case. IMO, vehicular homicide is still murder, despite it being the most leniently enforced murder of all.
I haven't had a drink in over 10 years and part of that was due to the reality check that I never left my car anywhere.... I always drove home... Again, That's just one reason, there's others but that one is worth mentioning due to the subject matter....
When I talk to people about it they always tell me I was lucky I never got in trouble in any way in all the years of driving buzzed.... My only response is I wasn't lucky, the people that didn't die while I was behind the wheel are lucky I just never got caught....
Please don't interpret this as any form of gloating, it's not. In fact It bothers me a lot.
Moral of the story is someone here mentioned driving buzzed wasn't a mistake it's a choice and I wholeheartedly agree.... Yes as mentioned there's some circumstances where it falls into a grey area but for the most part anyone that does it does it willingly with no regard for consequences ... That's just speaking from experience...
I would like to see deeper numbers in drunk driving accidents. For example how many wrecks happen with BAC over and under something like 0.1. I think that would provide some more clarity on if people are completely trashed, or if they are right by the limit and it still impaired them enough to cause an accident.