NCAA lightens contact restrictions in recruiting

Lifted the printed recruiting materials as well. There is also some other shady **** in their as well.

Whats funny is that recruits *****ed about the unlimited texts/calls because it happened at all times.
These are big IMO:

  • 12-1, which will establish a uniform definition of actual and necessary expenses.
  • 12-2, which will allow the calculation of actual and necessary expenses to be based on the total over a calendar year instead of an event-by-event basis for both prospective and enrolled student-athletes.
  • 12-3, which will allow a student-athlete to receive $300 more than actual and necessary expenses, provided the expenses come from an otherwise permissible source.
  • 12-4, which will permit individuals to receive actual and necessary competition-related expenses from outside sponsors, so long as the person is not an agent, booster or representative of a professional sports organization.
  • 12-5, which will allow student-athletes in sports other than tennis to receive up to actual and necessary competition-related expenses based on performance from an amateur team or event sponsor.
  • 12-6, which will allow student-athletes and prospects to receive actual and necessary expenses for training, coaching, health insurance and the likefrom a governmental entity.