Off-Topic MOVIE TALK: Looking for a Film producer/Financier??


Mar 4, 2017
What's up, guys? I'm in the final stages of polishing a solid script, and, with that being said, I'm currently seeking funding for the project. I have a couple of notable names involved, including a reputable director. If you or anyone you know is in the film business as an executive producer or is interested in funding films, please let me know. I have a pitch deck for the film available for consideration. Thanks.
Good point, but I dont know him.
I used to work in film development and production years ago with some small multi billion dollar investment companies before the 2008 crash that erased a good chunk of independent films in the 2 to 20 million dollar range. It is a lot of work to keep the irons hot to keep everyone going and has changed so much with all the streaming companies. Everyone is jumping around looking at all the other projects. One commit leaves for another film you got to almost start all over again. Like herding cats.

Just have been working on the major studio films in the camera and lighting departments since. Still pays well with good health insurance and pensions with less headaches. The actors strike is finally over.