Marlins Man FSU fans Trolling UM with Keep Al Golden Banner

His heart is clearly with Undergrad FSU, thus his banner support for because "Tallahassee we love Coach Golden" Laurence Leavy's words.

His head/business/community is at UM; not only does he knows where his bread come from, but UM BoT & Admin have admonished him for humiliating these decision makers for keeping Golden when whole world knows Golden ain't shlt. UM Bot & Admin have virtually bullied poor Marlins Man to walk back all his comments (with lies, exaggerations, saying that Shannon trash & liar, but Golden is class, Golden cleaned up UM, etc...) and show deeds or else!

That business ties with UM, including his professional school ties (Law school & law firm) one reason he is walking his support of the

Before I go to bed tonight I wanted to say something to all of you
University of Miami Hurricanes HATERS who I see have been totally abusing me
and saying very derogatory things about me on social media.

I AM ONE OF YOU. yes I went to FSU undergrad, but I went to UM LAW SCHOOL.
my family was loyal season ticket holders from 1966 and i have been going to UM games since George Mira was QB.
I was not a bandwagon fan who jumped on when schnellenberger made them winners. I have been to every national championship game they ever played in rooting for the U. I want them to win every game they play except against FSU

I probably have given 10 times the amount to the boosters, and or alumni association than any of you have.
I believe in my opinion that Golden was LOYAL to UM when it was down and didn't abandon it for greener pastures like Butch Davis did. golden was always honest unlike other coaches. he cleaned up UM as promised, [oh really, what 3 players arrested for rape, and thrown out, along with Golden having the highest attrition in college Football for internal disciplinary problems] unlike liar Randy Shannon. [Oh, Shannon only had like one arrest or so, Marve] he did not run the team into the GROUND like Larry Coker did [, huh, Coker was 60-15, and Golden has the worse defenses ever at UM only UM coach to sent 10 players to the NFL with 7 losses]. he didn't look the other way like Dennis Erickson did. he didn't abandon UM for another job like Jimmy Johnson did.
when he was mentioned for other openings, when UM scandal he did not cause became public, he did not flee. [Marlins Man has convenient memory, Golden did flee twice 1.0 to give his pitch to become PSU coach, and 2.) he did flee to hide while waiting words whether PSU wanted him or not] he said he was staying until job was done.
his kids don't get in trouble like the old UM OR FSU CURRENT ones do. you all should be proud of him.
he had to recruit with sanctions looming over his head and did very good job. [and still had better recruits than everyone in the ACC except perhaps FSU]
my own opinion is that UM should Reciprocate the loyalty and class he has shown the organization.
he is 3-0. and DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE FIRED. that's my opinion.
for that reason I supported the banner to keep him. I had no idea that my contribution would generate such publicity and wrongful negative reaction. [That is true, dude probably thought his donation would be private, not disclosed publicly]
rather than tag every one if u rude, vulgar, threatening offenders, or screenshot and publish your direct messages, I will say you all know EXACTLY who you are and you should be ashamed of yourself.
this man was truthful, loyal, honest, classy, hard working and positive about you when you were down in the dumps and facing the death penalty. [What death penalty/]
I support Golden and what he is doing and I would be happy if he was 12-1 every year and UM wins every bowl game and ALWAYS BEATS THE GATORS.
that's all I have to say. that's Laurence Leavys motivation. I can't speak for others.
be well

Enjoy the above as it will probably be erased considering all of Marlins Man's lies, lies by omission, exaggerations, and fabrications.