Jack Allison


"Wynwood **** sucking short bus faqqit"
Jan 2, 2014
is a beast. Sorry im probably super late but i was just watching highlight tapes and an interview with the kid. Says hes put on 10 lbs since enrolling and the s&c program "isnt for everybody". Wonder who he was talking about LOL
I think Zach McCloud has been struggling with the new S&C program and Mat Drills. His face told the story when he was introduced at Richt's recruiting day press conference.
I think Zach McCloud has been struggling with the new S&C program and Mat Drills. His face told the story when he was introduced at Richt's recruiting day press conference.

I hope you're right. We need the staff to establish a work ethic and attitude that is not OK with 8wins a year. See Tommy Moffat in the U Part 2. This is great news if true. I'm sure Zach and the others will embrace it. **** this made my Friday.

Go Canes!
Good to hear he has put on some weight already because he sure needs it. He was super skinny in high school and I think it affected his throwing motion. Looks like he was putting a lot more effort in to his mid to long range balls than most QBs do because of a lack of over all strength. He has the frame to develop and I expect him to be a total package by the time Kayaa leaves.
The fact that Jack is going to be able to sit behind Kaaya for at least 1 year and probably 2 is huge for us.
I like his quiet confidence. We do pretty well with the skinny kids at QB. Jack's arm sets him apart.

Go Canes!
With luxurious hair like that he's gotta be good

Kevin Olsen would like a word with you

