Is any argument valid to keep Al Golden?

Argument for keeping Golden?Yes,there is and that's money.You buyout Golden,$10mil to do so.Plus
bringing new coach and staff.Your not going to get by with what you paying Golden and staff,so
another $20mil;ie $3milx 4yrs=$12mil for coach.
Best solution,a winning season next year and fans buying tickets.You continue to have nobody
at games except FSU and BOT has to be considering dropping FB.Golden wins games and moves on.
Far fetched....UAB dropped FB yesterday because they were losing $20mil/year.I suspect U losing
more than that.

Theres definitely not a $10 million buyout.. its roughly $5 million
Only reason why I have a VERY SMALL soft spot is because he has never been allowed to recruit without some type of issue. Came in last minute to try to salvage a weak class, then the cloud and now recruits will rather stay away from this dumpster fire that is our Football program.

With that said, his going after the Penn St Job, constant picking up no names from out of state when he has a the most fertile ground in SF and his game day coaching are things that turn me off.

throw in Dorito and his defending of this clown that can't recruit and has the worst defense in Miami football history and it's a no brainer. He has to go.

We are not the 15th best defense in the country, we got rolled dragged in every single lost. Only reason we are ranked so high is because games were shortened with all the 10 play, 7+ minute scoring drives we constantly gave up. He is feeding us chicken **** and trying to say it's chicken salad, but everyone is on to him, we watch the games to know the numbers he throws out are worthless.

When howard schellenberger came here and recruited did you not think he had issues to deal with? Miami had no tradition, no notable bowl ga,e wins, no marqee names to boast about , no championships no nothing. He got the job done.

Samething with Butch davis, he dealt with issues and got the job done...sure there were some down moments but he also showed signs that the program was moving in the right direction.

Golden's situation pales in comparison to the two previous coaches ai mentioned and there will always be something schools can use against you so your excuse doesn't fly with me for the reasons mentioned above.

Golden inherited ample talent..enough talent to win more than 6 games. The notion that he got handed a bad situation recruiting wise is also a hs excuse as every year in cfb a football coach is taking over a team in dec. jan. Etc. Golden is no different.

Using those **** poor excuses makes you look bad Imo.