Interesting Article in the Athletic Today - Assistant Coaches on Recruiting


Jul 29, 2018
The athletic has been doing a series on recruiting this year and this week they released an article focused on Assistant Coaches and their thoughts on recruiting…really interesting tidbits. If you don’t have the athletic I can’t recommend it enough.
Delete if not allowed. Few quotes that stood out to me
Others coaches mentioned (as toughest to recruit against): Texas A&M tight ends coach James Coley, Georgia tight ends coach Todd Hartley



What schools do you think should be recruiting better?​

ACC coach: Florida State, Florida, Miami. Anytime you have schools like Alabama and Clemson coming into the state of Florida and getting players out of there, that’s a **** shame for those schools with the tradition and rich history they have.

SEC coach: Florida should be killing it but they’re not. FSU and Miami stink right now.
Clemson as well. There is a church in South Carolina that acts as a funnel. They'e been working this scam for years.

"Donation" gets made to church. Uncle of player gets bag from church .... not hard to see how this all works
They’re the biggest in the league. But the question was who, outside of Clemson.
They’re the biggest in the league. But the question was who, outside of Clemson.
FSPhoo may stink right now but they've always been pretty strong in the bag game. Whatever they've been doing ain't working anymore. I think Jimbo sucked the FSUPhoo booster base dry. Apparently, Jimbo always asked for more, was never satisfied & drove the booster base nuts (and likely drained their resources materially).
An old high school teammate of mine is a big FSPoo alum and booster. He told me that they would drop a bag here and there but their bag game wasn't that bad until that human ****-stain Jimbo came to town. He wanted rampant bags dropped and didn't care about NCAA sanctions. He learned the bag game from little Nicky. After the Natty he expected them to bend the knee and kiss his ring whenever he entered the room. They became increasingly uncomfortable with his demands and were worried about the NCAA. He was such a prick that they weren't sorry at all to see him go. As far as Clemson, coach Gomer Pyle up there had to disavow the church he was using as a bag laundering scheme. When everyone and their brother new what was going on they had to shut it down.