Im 'Gung Ho' for the 2018 season, some thoughts...

When I saw the thread title I immediately hoped it was a reference to the movie.


It's a great 80's movie. The Canes dominated the 80's. Do the math.
Jedi, this UM program is still at that point where they need a player who can really be a transcendent type of player(as you noted). The best Miami teams I can recall were just well-oiled, deeply talented machines that just needed guys to be be cohesive. But yeah, Richards impact and his presence, hopefully he's that guy offensively. And for Willis to be the type of guy who is so impactful he raises everyone else play around him

But I'll state this again, the overall talent is not the problem

Agree with your first post, but I will disagree a bit about this point. While our great teams have certainly have very talented depth overall, where the drop off between our stars and the backups wasn’t that significant, I think most of those teams had a guy or two that were elite, where there was a drop off because either the guy was elite. On the 2001 team, Andre Johnson comes to mind. As good as our other WRs were, Kevin Beard, Daryl Jones and Jason Geathers were certainly not Dre.

I honestly think a healthy AR is the most talented WR we’ve had since Andre. AR is the kind of game changer who can impact the game and the defense so much. I think his presence and ability will change how we
Play and how teams have to play us. I love the talent we’re building at that position, and I don’t think it’s a knock on them to say that we can’t easily replace AR.
When I saw the thread title I immediately hoped it was a reference to the movie.


It's a great 80's movie. The Canes dominated the 80's. Do the math.

That line he said about his uncle visiting in Japan in the 40's while meeting with the board members of the auto company is an all-time classic
K9 ain't never lied. Calling our schedule "favorable" is a huge understatement.

Zero excuses this year. We should be walking into the ACCCG undefeated or with 1 loss at the most. Anything other than that is a step backwards given the roster.
Especially with VaTech having a completely awful offseason and FSU having to Taggert
Ok, you guys remember the movie 'Gung Ho'? Yeah, its' one of my personal favorites and to me it quintessential Michael Keaton(yeah, big fan, here) and I recall the scene when his character Hunt Stevenson tells his union brothers at the auto plant that to show the Japanese company that they could cut it and told them they would produce '15,000 cars!!!' in the next month or so.

Alright, no more spoilers on that American cinematic classic, so I digress. But my point is, Im slamming my hand on the dais and gonna say it 'One loss or less(this regular season)'. Yeah, look at the schedule, I think it's very favorable/manageable(although FSU is always tough and that BC Friday night 'Red Bandana Game' could be a problem) and looking at this roster, IMO, its the best Miami team since 2004-ish and it's loaded with future NFL talent(and unlike past years they will be drafted earlier than on that Saturday).

As George Allen said - 'the future is now.' Richt has done a great job in building this roster and it's a program on the rise. Even with the disappointing ending to last seasons feel-good story, there is clearly momentum. The U is trending upwards. To me, anything less than a double-digit win season( and I'm expecting 11/12 wins and to make a return trip to Charlotte), will be a step backward.

As a fan-base we should be excited and have high expectations. It's time to get over the Shannon/Golden Derangement Syndrome. Richt is a quality coach, he knows how to run and maintain a program. He's the best coach Miami has had since Paul Hilton Davis. The question is, can he finally get to the promise land? In my mind, he knows the final piece of his legacy is to win a title. And I know a lot of fans wonder if he can get over the hump but under the current playoff system, he would have UGA in the running at least 2 or 3 times.

Ive said it before that Richt is a bit like Tom Osborne in that regard - a guy who was known for NOT winning when it really mattered but then changed his whole legacy late in his career winning 3 titles. This is Richt's last job, he wouldn't have come to Miami(even if it were his alma mater) he he didn't think he could add that brass ring to his resume'.

- And in that regard, LSU is a must-win to me. Yeah, right off the bat, I said it. If this squad is the goods, you beat LSU. Last I checked this is 2008 and not 2018, Patrick Peterson and Glen Dorsey aren't walking through that door. Miami is trending upwards, LSU is a program on the decline. And ask yourself this, if they weren't an SEC program, would you be so fearful(as some of you are) about this game. This is the type of situation where Miami should win - they are flat out the superior team top-to-bottom.

- Malik Rosier, all I want is a guy who can be steady and consistent and lead an offense that wont have long stretches where they simply dont produce and leave the defense on the field too long. If he can improve his completion percentage to around 60-percent(which would be a significant improvement from last year) this should be an offense that scores 35-plus per game.

In defense of 12, by the end of last year there was no Walton(who missed most of the year), Herndon and Richards - all three who have NFL ability. Having Richards back is huge. When he was out there last year, Rosier had some of his best moments. At the college level, 82 is the type of guy that a defense and a coordinator will have to account for every play. A

- Kicking game worries me, Zach Feagles was more Feable last year. Here's hoping he improves. And Bubba is an unproven commodity. And overall, while we all love Coach Hartley as a recruiter, his special teams unit is Dave Arnold-esque in how sloppy they are overall. Too many quality athletes now to not field a decent ST.

- More than Rosier, in my view the development of the offensive line is key. If this unit can simply provide more push and convert more 3rd and short situations in the run game and keep drives going, that will mitigate some of Rosier's shortcomings and keep the defense off the field. Honestly, this to me was as big an issue as Rosier's inconsistency last year as too many drives died and red-zone opportunities were squandered. And looking more big picture, if Miami truly wants to make this a special season they will have to overcome Clemson which literally has an NFL front on defense.

Im very interested to see if Navaughn Donaldson can really settle in at RT and if some of the young lineman develop( and yeah, Stacy Searles is on the spot to coach'em up here).

As for the skill positions, this team is loaded. Best group I can recall since the early 2000's.

- Defensively, very simple, can they get off the field on 3rd downs better than last year when some pretty mediocre QB's shredded Miami's and is 'the Striker' position the panacea for Manny Diaz? There is more than enough raw material for him to field an elite defense this year. To me, if Diaz is that hot future head coach candidate, he delivers that

- Very excited to see this freshman class. Like the first two groups that came under Richt, I dont expect to see mass redshirting but a lot of contributors(this is college football in 2018) and this particular class will give UM a real infusion of fast, twitchy athletes all over.

- So yeah, call me 'the Pointer Sisters' - Im so excited. As I told DMoney on the podcast last week, there are not many coaches that wouldn't trade their depth chart straight up with what Richt has.

Print out this years roster and then in a few years see how many of these guys will play at the next level or at least get drafted.

- See everyone in Dallas, I take very few vacations but weekends like this are good enough for me( hey, Im like Asian **** Vermiel). It will be my first time at AT@T Stadium to actually see football and not boxing. Lets go Canes
I love that movie! Easily one of my favorite Keaton comedies. I like the part when he’s in Japan showing the **** a slide show of the plant and he sneaks in pic of a hot chick with tons of cleavage working the line, thinking it would close the deal and the Japanese guys just look at him expressionless. Lmao 😂
k9, one of them best to lace 'em up! Great job, always enjoy reading your stuff. LGC!
I love that movie! Easily one of my favorite Keaton comedies. I like the part when he’s in Japan showing the **** a slide show of the plant and he sneaks in pic of a hot chick with tons of cleavage working the line, thinking it would close the deal and the Japanese guys just look at him expressionless. Lmao 😂

Or that last line when the big boss goes to Keaton and goes,"I rike you, you make me raff''(while the guy doesn't crack a smile)...
That movie was a family favorite growing up.
My dad to this very day always brings up the quote " Here , here and here but not hereherehereherehereherehere."
- And in that regard, LSU is a must-win to me. Yeah, right off the bat, I said it. If this squad is the goods, you beat LSU. Last I checked this is 2008 and not 2018, Patrick Peterson and Glen Dorsey aren't walking through that door. Miami is trending upwards, LSU is a program on the decline. And ask yourself this, if they weren't an SEC program, would you be so fearful(as some of you are) about this game. This is the type of situation where Miami should win - they are flat out the superior team top-to-bottom.

That movie was a family favorite growing up.
My dad to this very day always brings up the quote " Here , here and here but not hereherehereherehereherehere."

Or when Keaton gets into that one car and tries to drive off and it falls apart and he goes,'Hey, I thought it ran great!!"(or something like that, lol) He was absolutely perfect in that role and in 'Mr Mom'
Or when Keaton gets into that one car and tries to drive off and it falls apart and he goes,'Hey, I thought it ran great!!"(or something like that, lol) He was absolutely perfect in that role and in 'Mr Mom'

Two classics, love them both.
Or that last line when the big boss goes to Keaton and goes,"I rike you, you make me raff''(while the guy doesn't crack a smile)...
He’ll yea! After he tells him that he sees 15,000 cars here that are all up to standerd even though ones missing an engine, another is missing a windshield and the one Keaton tries to take the tires fall off! Lol 🤣
You teams are going to use quick, short passes to try and negate our pass rush. We need to see solid, crisp, and hard tackling from the LBs and DBs.