Herbstreit Says top 2 vacancies: USCe and Missouri

South Carolina, with their 4 top 10 finishes in 122 years. What a ******* moron. All they have is $1 million more than us, 40,000 more fans with 20,000 more teeth. Big deal.
Yeah they all stuck on the facilties, stadium and fan argument. Jorge forgot his last name was in a debate on Sportscenter with Trevor Matich about Miami being a better option than MD and used the coaching names tied to each vacancy as an example. Everybody else is hiring coordinators.
the fan argument is far overblown. even the almighty bama had trouble filling the stadium prior to saban's success.
The Admin make this job a piece of Sh**

^This. They're launching a leak campaign against Butch and to build support for a staff of Schiano, Cristobal, Coley, D'onofrio. All you need to know.

Hope you kept your ps2 NCAA 2003 games. Closest we'll ever get with this Board and Flake in place.
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So did the byu guy and todd mcshay

Todd mcshay even mentioned virginia and maryland

Then both of them went on to crap on the fans and even mentioned the banners and circus along with 45 min away stadium ect
This is the same guy that questioned anyone who questioned Al Golden one year ago. He don't know ****
Herbstreit likes that Miami is down.

I use to think he was a closeted fan, but finally figured out he was overcompensating for his true feelings.