First 2015 Change for the FB team

All spring practices will be closed to the Fans/Media and optional for players/staff.

Another much needed change. Glad to see Corch Alice get into the 20th century. Of course, this confirms the secret reports of the secret visits to Georgia Tech. Glad to see that the option play will be optional, along with attendance by players and corches.

However, I do hope that the bricks, pillars, and other inspirations, are still mandatory.
Another change is that next year's record will not be measured in 'wins and losses' but rather, "Wins and progress."

This is my biggest fear next season. If we win even one more game than we did this year, Al might get another pass as it's improvement.

You think we need to win one additional game to have it hailed as an improvement? We won 3 LESS games this year and were told by our sock puppet AD how much we have improved.