Does anyone have a pic of the Duke TD call?


World Class Angler
Jun 21, 2012
I know the Duke runner did not get in, but I need a picture to shut some guys up. Thanks for the help.
Thanks but those are the first half play. I want the one with 7 seconds left...............

best I can do. 28's right shoulder is on the line and up against 51's knee. Young is bent over and the ball is about where his helmet is, which imo, is not across the goal line. That ref is the same one who didn't call Walton down for his lateral. In the next frame duke's qb starts to lift up, which is the beginning of him going backward. It looks like Young's right knee is at the goal line and his weight is forward of that or the qb would have just run him over. It's **** close but feeling a girl up ain't *******.
Only help I can give is article in Raleigh News and Observer that essentially states the call was questionable and that the referee that made the call wasn't in good position to see is Sirk crosses or didn't cross , but made the call anyway..Small comment about 2" by 3" but the knee down made front page in a beautiful 8x10 color photo of the knee absolutely on the ground with ball still in hand..One can only assume the old saying of what goes around comes around...
I don't understand why that play was not reviewed. They review nearly all goal line plays, especially close ones.
Yeah, they reviewed it and apparently didn't have any other angles than what was shown. Bizarre.