MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The influential members of the B10 and SEC conferences (and their major donors) would rather Miami die. People can throw around all the market and financial analyses they want to demonstrate why Miami would be a valuable add, won’t change my mind. I can assure you the football coaches in those conferences don’t want Miami. Same with the die hards who cut big checks to support those programs.

Big money boosters for sure have a say if/when their school decides to change conferences and has multiple legitimate options: UNC would be an example.

If, for example, those folks (no doubt some of whom serve on the board of regents) are gung-ho on the Heels going to the SEC, then that's what's going to happen -- regardless if the president or AD feel otherwise.

But those same people won't be able to prevent another school from joining "their" conference.

ESPN and FOX are writing bigger checks than any donor, including Phil Knight or any oil baron at Texas or A&M.

TV execs, conference commissioners and presidents will come to an agreement on which schools will or won't be invited.
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The influential members of the B10 and SEC conferences (and their major donors) would rather Miami die. People can throw around all the market and financial analyses they want to demonstrate why Miami would be a valuable add, won’t change my mind. I can assure you the football coaches in those conferences don’t want Miami. Same with the die hards who cut big checks to support those programs.
Ever heard of FOX? NBC, CBS, ABC? MEDIA PARTNERS dictate who the conferences will add and that is based on brand strength and viewership.
Ever heard of FOX? NBC, CBS, ABC? MEDIA DICTATORS dictate who the conferences will add and that is based on brand strength and viewership.

Without leadership at the top looking out for the benefit of college football as a whole, the networks are no longer "partners", they are dictators who are running the sport. First, they have successfully separated the conferences to the point where even the Big 10 and PAC 12 don't look at each other as associates, but rather as hostile competitors after 80 years of working together. They've separated the top 2 dogs from the pack and started plucking out the strong brands from the rest.

My favorite part will be phase 2 when they then separate conference members from each other based on the numbers they provide - be on notice Indiana, Purdue, Rutgers, Vanderbilt, Mississippi State, and other anchors weighing the conference ships down. Your membership may be revoked when these TV contracts come up for renewal.
You certainly seemed to be arguing that in your other post.

If I argued that, I would say that. I didn’t. My point is that I don’t believe any of those schools want to hand Miami a ticket to the promised land. In that respect, I don’t foresee anyone from those conferences lobbying for Miami, which matters on the margin.
If I argued that, I would say that. I didn’t. My point is that I don’t believe any of those schools want to hand Miami a ticket to the promised land. In that respect, I don’t foresee anyone from those conferences lobbying for Miami, which matters on the margin.
1) I appreciate the quippy remark but communication between humans doesn't work like software coding. 2) Development folks will be lobbying for Miami. 3) I agree it matters on the margin.
If I argued that, I would say that. I didn’t. My point is that I don’t believe any of those schools want to hand Miami a ticket to the promised land. In that respect, I don’t foresee anyone from those conferences lobbying for Miami, which matters on the margin.
I think these schools only care about how many zeroes get added to the TV payout. Any bad blood will be quickly ignored. I appreciate that you think Miami lives rent free in most of college football's head. Unfortunately, I disagree with you on that point. We're nearly 40 years past when the "U" was **** on wheels and 20 years past the mini run at the beginning of the 2000's.
I don’t believe any of those schools want to hand Miami a ticket to the promised land. In that respect, I don’t foresee anyone from those conferences lobbying for Miami, which matters on the margin.

No doubt the biggest backers for the B1G and SEC are exactly who we'd want: FOX and ESPN, respectively.

But you don't think leadership at the Big Ten schools — with their considerable clout — played a role in Miami landing that prestigious AAU designation last summer?
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Show me where I argue that.
“The influential members of the B10 and SEC conferences (and their major donors) would rather Miami die. I can assure you the football coaches in those conferences don’t want Miami. Same with the die hards who cut big checks to support those programs.“

Crystal clear what you’re saying.
1) I appreciate the quippy remark but communication between humans doesn't work like software coding. 2) Development folks will be lobbying for Miami. 3) I agree it matters on the margin.
Yeah except the margins in this case are inconsequential
If either the SEC or Big 10 get any larger, they will go to 9, and possibly 10, conference games. It's inevitiable.

We will be lucky to have ONE "good" OOC game each year.
I agree. That really only reason I want FSU in same conference as is. But it would be kinda best of both worlds if we could be Big10 with guarantee of playing FSU and UF yearly…not that I think that would happen
“The influential members of the B10 and SEC conferences (and their major donors) would rather Miami die. I can assure you the football coaches in those conferences don’t want Miami. Same with the die hards who cut big checks to support those programs.“

Crystal clear what you’re saying.
Show him where else though
Yeah but TV wants Miami and they pay the bills for those conferences and schools.


One of the dumbest things I've ever heard is that "football coaches" and "donors" will have any impact on preventing Miami from getting into the Big 10. Fox and CBS and NBC have already overridden 100 years of the Big 10 having a "you need to be in the AAU" requirement. "Football coaches" and "donors" will have absolutely no say in the matter.
Show me where I argue that.

What, you have amnesia already?
