MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I think UM needs to hire someone from Diane Feinstein's staff to remind Julio Frenk of how he should vote.
Please save us Julio.


Not sure if anyone remembers the NASCAR "lovebug" phase, when you saw a lot of two-car pairings that would get together to aero-push each other. Througout the race, you'd see random pairings, regardless of teammates or friendships.

I kinda feel like we've drafted with Clemson, then FSU, now UNC. VaTech next?
I wonder if adding Stanford, California and Southern Methodist as members give them full immediate voting rights? If so, the path to dissolution makes it that much harder with these three new members.
Saw some rumors that ND is pushing for SMU/Cal/Stanford to the ACC and would join full time with them. Anyone else saying this? Seems far fetched lol
Why wouldn't ND just say the exact same thing to the Big10 then lol Then ND would be joining a conference that pays far more, wants them more, has a secure future, has most/all their historical rivals, etc, etc, etc. Big10 would add Stanford and Cal at same price as UO/UW, if it mean they got ND 100% in. **** they'd probably be willing to get Stanford in at that rate eventually regardless...
I do not know specific names.

But I'm not sure that the ACC is in a great spot, regardless of who they hire.

Now, if I was advising Dan on who to hire to represent THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, I know a very good candidate. He has a lot of love of alma mater, if the UM alums catch my drift.

He would be a great person.

I know some folks at Foley Lardner in MKE, so he gets my vote.

Me thinks he’s confusing Public political statements that a public operator like Dan would make (and has made which I think was a politician as you get rather than some love of defending acc), and what he does less publicly.

We shall see. I don’t buy it. I also don’t ever think that all stakeholders had 100% overlap in need state and plan which isn’t essential anyway.
That would be an interesting twist but can't imagine it has any truth to it. Didn't they just (or maybe they're about to) sign an agreement with NBC paying them $65M per just for football?
The only logic I can think of is if ESPN is worried about FSU, Clemson, Miami, and others jumping ship, maybe they realize the only way to keep the ACC together is to make a power move and ante up big time for ND (more than the NBC offer). Would keep any ACC teams from getting swiped up by FOX and also keep ND from going to B1G/FOX/NBC down the road. Seems like a pipe dream though.