MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

do you believe there's a world out there where Vandy and Indiana thrive in college football and Miami doesn't?

Miami is a football brand.. absolutely a top 20 brand and some could argue top 10 STILL... the fact that it's that close even after 20 years of irrelevancy speaks to the value of the Miami BRAND...

they'll find a home because Miami football is a brand that adds value... while there are still a dozen-ish brands between the B1G and SEC that detract/reduce value...
Might take some time for it to happen that is the concern. Absolutely crazy at the moment that Rutgers is in the B10 (worst conference addition in modern history) and Miami is here with no clear path to an exit.
do you believe there's a world out there where Vandy and Indiana thrive in college football and Miami doesn't?

Miami is a football brand.. absolutely a top 20 brand and some could argue top 10 STILL... the fact that it's that close even after 20 years of irrelevancy speaks to the value of the Miami BRAND...

they'll find a home because Miami football is a brand that adds value... while there are still a dozen-ish brands between the B1G and SEC that detract/reduce value...
Small little input but I live in Michigan, just got to the Ferry to head to Mackinac island and already had two people comment about the canes due to my hat. Everyone knows us and either hates or loves us, but they know us.
Small little input but I live in Michigan, just got to the Ferry to head to Mackinac island and already had two people comment about the canes due to my hat. Everyone knows us and either hates or loves us, but they know us.
I’m out on the west side of the state right now (little trip) and people are throwing up the U also. National brand for sure
I’m going to be honest, if I didn’t have small kids who love sports, I’d probably stop watching college football entirely over the next 5 years. Miami making it into the P2 doesn’t even factor into it. This sport has become something else entirely, and is speeding toward losing almost everything that made it unique. Everything that made it my favorite sport since I was 9 is being scrubbed away and covered in a boring, predictable, sterile, soulless coat of paint.
I’m going to be honest, if I didn’t have small kids who love sports, I’d probably stop watching college football slowly over the next 5 years. Miami making it into the P2 doesn’t even factor into it. This sport has become something else entirely, and is speeding toward losing almost everything that made it unique.
I stopped watching the NFL several years ago. The college game is headed in the same degree of big money irrelevancy.
I stopped watching the NFL several years ago. The college game is headed in the same degree of big money irrelevancy.
The only reasons I follow the NFL are fantasy football and that my team is the 49ers, and they are genuinely fun to watch. And the aforementioned kids who are just starting to love sports.
I’m going to be honest, if I didn’t have small kids who love sports, I’d probably stop watching college football entirely over the next 5 years. Miami making it into the P2 doesn’t even factor into it. This sport has become something else entirely, and is speeding toward losing almost everything that made it unique. Everything that made it my favorite sport since I was 9.
Pro’s and con’s to everything. I think it’s going to be better, when all said and done. Our schedule (and everyone else’s) alone is going to be so much fun. Playoffs will expand and be a money making machine due to big matchups.

Now, join Big 12 and well, I’ll join you.
do you believe there's a world out there where Vandy and Indiana thrive in college football and Miami doesn't?

Miami is a football brand.. absolutely a top 20 brand and some could argue top 10 STILL... the fact that it's that close even after 20 years of irrelevancy speaks to the value of the Miami BRAND...

they'll find a home because Miami football is a brand that adds value... while there are still a dozen-ish brands between the B1G and SEC that detract/reduce value...
Thrive? No. But they are already sitting at the table and we are hoping we have a seat when the music turns off. Unfortunately, at this point we have a LOT of factors that are simply out of our control at this point.
Pro’s and con’s to everything. I think it’s going to be better, when all said and done. Our schedule (and everyone else’s) alone is going to be so much fun. Playoffs will expand and be a money making machine due to big matchups.

Now, join Big 12 and well, I’ll join you.
You starting to think we may get left out too? Just way too much smoke for Clemson and FSU and literally nothing on our end. I know it was happening behind the scenes, but it seems like the make up and direction has changed big time since the demise of the PAC. I hope I’m wrong and not trying to be a member of the mope squad, just don’t want this program left behind.
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You starting to think we may get left out too? Just way too much smoke for Clemson and FSU and literally nothing on our end. I know it was happening behind the scenes, but it seems like the make up and direction has changed big time since the demise of the PAC. I
It would seem to me like we will make it eventually even if we don’t this year. I still believe the B1G and SEC go tick for tack. If the ACC takes 2, then the SEC may as well. We are not hearing everything. When Miami starts to look better this year it will give added incentive to one of those 2 conferences. I still believe the SEC is more involved than what meets the eye because they don’t want the B1G to encircle them with major programs. I don’t believe the SEC will sit idly by while the B1G jacks Clemson and FSU from under their noses and our TV ratings are still better than others. Plus in the future programs within the SEC and B1G could get booted from the conferences
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I’m going to be honest, if I didn’t have small kids who love sports, I’d probably stop watching college football entirely over the next 5 years. Miami making it into the P2 doesn’t even factor into it. This sport has become something else entirely, and is speeding toward losing almost everything that made it unique. Everything that made it my favorite sport since I was 9 is being scrubbed away and covered in a boring, predictable, sterile, soulless coat of paint.
Or (and this is glass half full thinking) it will take a watered down product and make it better. With most of the marquee programs joining either the BIG10 or SEC, it's going to cut back on non-conference cupcake games that are generally wastes of time. I'm tired of there being one or two early season games worth watching on Saturdays while every other game features a P5 team against an FCS or crappy G5 opponent.

Let's be real. There was NEVER a need for 130 FBS programs. We're going to have the top 60-70 teams and everyone else will be relegated elsewhere.
Pro’s and con’s to everything. I think it’s going to be better, when all said and done. Our schedule (and everyone else’s) alone is going to be so much fun. Playoffs will expand and be a money making machine due to big matchups.

Now, join Big 12 and well, I’ll join you.
Think we differ on even the most optimal outcome being a pro, but I hear you.
Same. It took many years of having an awful owner of the team I loved to do it to me, but once I stopped watching the NFL it was so freeing and I realized I didn't really miss it.
I think it's the best it's ever been by miles & I'm a Dallas fan lol
Excitement appears to be losing steam…
i still think something happens before the 15th and it'll just set the next set of dominoes in motion...

the ACC isn't surviving as is.. there's nothing out there to close the revenue gap between the contenders in the ACC and the SEC/B1G...

i could see the ACC adding some lower value brands so they can survive AFTER Clemson/FSU/Miami leave...