MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Anyone able to read this?

Pretty much Clickbait to me talking about how people were trying to pull together meetings with the four conferences to organize a super league with relegation- like every single thing we heard hodgepodge together months ago, and it never got past meeting with the ACC.
Why do you keep using that term "prerequisite". I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Regardless, in what world do you think that staying in the ACC and doing nothing leads to our freedom? I don't give two ***** for vague generalizations like "there's lots of ways this can play out". Not really.

If only "two" teams leave, and everyone else behaves like a *****, the ACC will still survive, contractually.

The tipping point has been reached. The ACC is a ******* chicken with its head cut off, and we need to put it out of its misery.

For the love of Christ, I can't understand how some people can advocate for being so passive and pusillanimous.
Is that the proper term for pussified?
Anyone able to read this?

-A group of 20 sports execs including Goodell’s #2 at the NFL, the WVU prez, and Syracuse prez want to form a Super League
-It would be 80 teams. 70 (current P5, ND, SMU) would be permanent, and 10 would be subject to promotion/relegation with a 50 school second division.
-8 division winners and 8 wild cards (based on records/tiebreakers) would make the playoffs
-Every league but the ACC cancelled their meeting
-The SEC, Big Ten, and ESPN/Fox hate it
-Extended TV deals are a major problem, and would likely have to be baked in before an NFL style rights agreement
-There are concerns about it being a private equity takeover
-The people behind it expressed concern that lawsuits will bankrupt the current conferences if they don’t do this.
-Other sports would remain in the current conferences.
Comes from the same root word, or so I was taught by my Latin teacher in high school.

It's hard for people to respond when you call them pussilanimous, many don't even know the definition.
The word "pusillanimous" is an adjective that describes someone or something who/that has a lack of courage or determination; timid or cowardly. It implies a failure to act due to fear or timidity. This term is often used to criticize a person for being unable to take a stand or undertake bold actions due to fear of the consequences.

The word is derived from the Latin terms "pusillus," meaning "very small" or "weak," and "animus," meaning "spirit" or "courage." Together, they essentially convey "small of spirit."

Here's an example of how "pusillanimous" could be used in a sentence:

"The ACC's pusillanimous decision to avoid addressing the important issue of ESPN option to extend disappointed many of the conference members who had hoped for a definitive, transparent action by leadership."

It should be noted that "pusillanimous" is a relatively formal word and may not be commonly used in everyday language.

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-A group of 20 sports execs including Goodell’s #2 at the NFL, the WVU prez, and Syracuse prez want to form a Super League
-It would be 80 teams. 70 (current P5, ND, SMU) would be permanent, and 10 would be subject to promotion/relegation with a 50 school second division.
-8 division winners and 8 wild cards (based on records/tiebreakers) would make the playoffs
-Every league but the ACC cancelled their meeting
-The SEC, Big Ten, and ESPN/Fox hate it
-Extended TV deals are a major problem, and would likely have to be baked in before an NFL style rights agreement
-There are concerns about it being a private equity takeover
-The people behind it expressed concern that lawsuits will bankrupt the current conferences if they don’t do this.
-Other sports would remain in the current conferences.

It's an infinitely better idea than what's going to come from whatever the f*** they're doing now. I don't think they realize the hit they're going to take once they cut everyone's school out of the picture. As of now it's still too ambiguous. But if Miami didn't make it into the P2, you can be certain I'm not going to waste my time watching Ohio State play Penn State or Auburn play Florida for no reason. All those games matter because, in my mind, I can connect Miami to them in some direct or crazy way. If the outcome has literally no bearing on us...nope.

-The SEC, Big Ten, and ESPN/Fox hate it

Yea, no s***. They're the ones benefiting from the current state.

Honestly, the schools that don't make it into the P2 should use this idea. They could keep what remains of college football intact and people might be more inclined to watch actual college athletics than the charade it's becoming.
The word "pusillanimous" is an adjective that describes someone or something who/that has a lack of courage or determination; timid or cowardly. It implies a failure to act due to fear or timidity. This term is often used to criticize a person for being unable to take a stand or undertake bold actions due to fear of the consequences.

The word is derived from the Latin terms "pusillus," meaning "very small" or "weak," and "animus," meaning "spirit" or "courage." Together, they essentially convey "small of spirit."

Here's an example of how "pusillanimous" could be used in a sentence:

"The ACC's pusillanimous decision to avoid addressing the important issue of ESPN option to extend disappointed many of the conference members who had hoped for a definitive, transparent action by leadership."

It should be noted that "pusillanimous" is a relatively formal word and may not be commonly used in everyday language.

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Man I never imagined I would see this word again after l realized I was too lazy to become a doctor. Bringing me back to my Latin days in high school. Peers said my two years of language was wasted. Who had the last laugh now????

Let’s Gooo Canes!!!
Man I never imagined I would see this word again after l realized I was too lazy to become a doctor. Bringing me back to my Latin days in high school. Peers said my two years of language was wasted. Who had the last laugh now????

Let’s Gooo Canes!!!
I got excited at pusi...then stopped reading for a moment...
It's an infinitely better idea than what's going to come from whatever the f*** they're doing now. I don't think they realize the hit they're going to take once they cut everyone's school out of the picture. As of now it's still too ambiguous. But if Miami didn't make it into the P2, you can be certain I'm not going to waste my time watching Ohio State play Penn State or Auburn play Florida for no reason. All those games matter because, in my mind, I can connect Miami to them in some direct or crazy way. If the outcome has literally no bearing on us...nope.

Yea, no s***. They're the ones benefiting from the current state.

Honestly, the schools that don't make it into the P2 should use this idea. They could keep what remains of college football intact and people might be more inclined to watch actual college athletics than the charade it's becoming.
It makes too much sense, so it won't happen. Kudos to the TV guys, they noticed the lack of cohesion by the conferences as the NCAA became impotent, particularly over the past 10 years, and jumped.

Too bad these "sports execs" didn't come together 10 years ago with this idea....or even 3 years ago when Texas and Oklahoma began this latest onset of realignment. Imagine conferences working together to mandate more and better OOC matchups with their schools to get the marquee matchups the TV execs want without dismantling, in some cases, over a century's worth of history.

Oh well.

The word "pusillanimous" is an adjective that describes someone or something who/that has a lack of courage or determination; timid or cowardly. It implies a failure to act due to fear or timidity. This term is often used to criticize a person for being unable to take a stand or undertake bold actions due to fear of the consequences.

The word is derived from the Latin terms "pusillus," meaning "very small" or "weak," and "animus," meaning "spirit" or "courage." Together, they essentially convey "small of spirit."

Here's an example of how "pusillanimous" could be used in a sentence:

"The ACC's pusillanimous decision to avoid addressing the important issue of ESPN option to extend disappointed many of the conference members who had hoped for a definitive, transparent action by leadership."

It should be noted that "pusillanimous" is a relatively formal word and may not be commonly used in everyday language.

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It's ironic that it's a homophone for the most powerful force in nature.
ACC with a pretty big win in North Carolina court as the judge essentially dismissed only one of 5 things FSU wanted and is letting the other 4 things in ACC suit in north Carolina continue.

Main takeaway is judge doesn't seem concerned (yet) about ACC not using the proper voting procedure.

To me - big win for ACC because if got tossed they were dead but it doesn't mean they won the case at all in long run.
BUT NOT A BIG Loss for FSU - motions to dismiss get dismissed most of the time.
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ACC with a pretty big win in North Carolina court as the judge essentially dismissed only one of 5 things FSU wanted and is letting the other 4 things in ACC suit in north Carolina continue.

Main takeaway is judge doesn't seem concerned (yet) about ACC not using the proper voting procedure

I'm just surprised that a North Carolina judge didn't give the ACC 5 wins out of 5 issues...