Butch and J. Blake?


Jul 16, 2015
Butch and John Blake were old friends so he hired him to improve recruiting at NC. That he did. Butch may not have been found responsible for NCAA violations but he was responsible for hiring Blake knowing his reputation. Do you think the BOT has forgot that? Butch is unlikely to coach at UM again regardless of fans wants.
When Butch offers to sign a 3 year deal for $1mil per year it is going to be hard to say no.

They will sell 10k season tickets within a week.

The fan and media push to hire Butch may be too much for the BOT and Blake.

Trust me.
Urban Meyer and Nick Saban are the shadiest dude in the country when it comes to recruiting.
This is a very valid issue. And one people constantly forget when discussing Butch's baggage. The John Blake scandal was a mess at UNC, and it was also on Butch's watch. This was separate from the academic scandal. I personally think the Blake mess was as much if not moreso the reason programs have stayed away from him.