Blast from the past - Philosophy Concerns


Oct 21, 2011
Yesterday, I got a notification on social media from a friend about a post I made on his page in 2012. After the loss to Virginia, I wrote:

The game should have been over after the Safety. When you play conservative football to rely on a defense that is missing 3 of its best 4 players and isn't even solid to begin with, you're being a little too stubborn about your philosophy. Golden and Fisch need to improve on how to shift gears a bit better. Most will blame D'ono and he could have done better for sure, but we already know the defensive unit is weak. Adjust accordingly! Don't play to put the onus on them! Terrible loss. Worst of the season.

Stuff like that makes me hope to death that, if Butch were to ultimately be the move, he allows his OC to set the tone - much like he allowed Schiano to set the tone of the defense for a short time. If I have any concern with Butch, it's whether or not he's gotten rid of whatever philosophy transferred over to him from the JJ tree (think Dave Wanny, etc.).

It's for this reason that Herman is a more intriguing candidate to me: his philosophy is an excellent fit. Doesn't mean Herman is flawless, I realize. Now, if what has been rumored (that Butch has come to acknowledge his strengths/weaknesses and would bring in young, new coordinators with a fresh approach), then his biggest flaw/risk is whether those guys pan out. I can live with that downside.

We absolutely must make a hiring decision based on philosophy fit. The problem with that is Al Golden once talked up an aggressive philosophy.
Are Blake and company even capable of making a power move for Herman? Seems to me he's gonna be #1 on a lot of team's boards looking for a new coach.
I agree man. This offense should be high powered and attacking defenses all game. I hate when they get in the red zone and don't let kaaya throw it. They will call 3 bad runs in a row and settle for a fg, when they should be attacking.
I find it amazingly depressing how easily that post from 2012 could be applied to almost every loss since then.
The good thing about Butch at THE U is that the Jimmies and the Joes will be good enough to make up for any philosophical defects most of the time.
The good thing about Butch at THE U is that the Jimmies and the Joes will be good enough to make up for any philosophical defects most of the time.

If the main objective is to win the ACC coastal that line of thinking is fine. We won't be beating teams in the CFP by simply having better talent. The philosophy must fit and the Xs and Os should take advantage of our strengths and minimize the roster's weaknesses in every game we play.
Honest question, how much of the X's & O's knowledge do we think Blake or the influential BOT's members actually have? Is this why Jimmy has been welcomed to participate in the search?
There seems to be two opinions on this board.

1. People that believe an aggressive Xs and Os guru should be the primary target. Of our realistic options, Herman is the one that stands out to me. What I like about him is that it's not just his offense that is aggressive but his defense as well. At least from what I've seen. I'm no football guru so I will leave those discussions to those more qualified, but I think his football philosophy as a whole fits what we want to do at Miami.

2. People that believe talent acquisition will get us over the hump. In this category Butch stands alone. His talent evaluation is second to none. My biggest concern is his offense. Would be hire someone that will be aggressive, that will push away from the pro style and embrace the innovative offenses in CFB today? If he brings in that type of OC I would be very happy.

Either way if it's between Herman and Butch that would be a problem to have.