Basketball Game

As someone who was called to Dean Hall's office (Dean of Students) during my time as a student, I'd bet Mr Herrera will find an email in his inbox on Monday scheduling a little face time with said Dean!

He is our advisor for Student Government. He has heard me say these things. Wouldn't surprise me though.
As someone who was called to Dean Hall's office (Dean of Students) during my time as a student, I'd bet Mr Herrera will find an email in his inbox on Monday scheduling a little face time with said Dean!

He did nothing wrong....last time I checked we lived in America.

Stand your ground homie.

I got called for criticizing the IT department on twitter. Freedom does not exist on campus.

Don't be. Braveheart is one of the most historically inaccurate, ridiculous movies Hollywood ever put out. Mel Gibson did make kilts look macho though. Sort of.

Bite your tongue. Solid flick...who cares if it's not historically accurate.

Sorry, didn't mean to stomp on your favorite flick. But as an expatriate, I cringe when sitting in a theater in Japan and watching a badly researched American-made movie just for the sake of showing off some American machismo.

Sorry, back to topic.

Why are you cringing Kiri? You should be standing up and telling people in the theater "did you see that? Did you see how AWESOME we are?" Don't be ashamed to show your pride! I'm not even American, but I will move there someday for retirement and rep the awesomeness any chance I get.

But when it comes to hockey we Canadians dominate in the AWESOMENESS department like few things in this world. I think that's why I started loving The U; because they were badass like all our hockey teams. Like Mike Wilbon says "hockey players have the biggest onions on the planet!". Sure he says "hockey players", but really it's just the ones from Canada he's talking about.
If u get called down to the principals office - that's your ticket to demand to know why Al isn't fired yet.
Sorry man.

Don't be. Braveheart is one of the most historically inaccurate, ridiculous movies Hollywood ever put out. Mel Gibson did make kilts look macho though. Sort of.

Bite your tongue. Solid flick...who cares if it's not historically accurate.

Sorry, didn't mean to stomp on your favorite flick. But as an expatriate, I cringe when sitting in a theater in Japan and watching a badly researched American-made movie just for the sake of showing off some American machismo.

Sorry, back to topic.

Why are you cringing Kiri? You should be standing up and telling people in the theater "did you see that? Did you see how AWESOME we are?" Don't be ashamed to show your pride! I'm not even American, but I will move there someday for retirement and rep the awesomeness any chance I get.

He should just stand up with both middle fingers extended screaming "Hiroshima! Nagasaki! Mother FVCKERS!"
War on basketball team. They would not be here without the football team. If they can't stand with the fans, the **** with them too. We need to embarrass the ACC into threatening to throw us out. Then no ACC $$$$ for frigging administration to pay debt on frigging U Health. Anything Donna likes is our enemy.