Anyone else anxious for Thursday to see how bad we get beat?

I still get excited about watching the Canes play each week, but not really sure if I want them to win or lose at this point, and don't really care either way, it sucks.
Most here want Weird Al and Fat Nacho Cheese gone. Losing makes that happen. In that regard, hoping VT brings their A game and beating Miami is Good News in effecting change at Miami.

It's not about rooting against Miami. It's about effecting change at Miami. VT can help our cause.
If Flubberneck had a decent and healthy team, he would whip El Foldo. Flub's marginal team has been decimated by injuries, so there is no doubt Alverage will win this game.
What a joke this and most of the threads on this forum. (1) You root against the Canes. (2) You're anxious to see "how badly we get beat". (3) You support banners flying over a road game. Just stay in your little room with all of your insecurities and delusions and don't come out until you grow a pair.

Go Canes!
Folden was born under a lucky star. Flub's defense was completely gutted by injuries last week. And their only decent RB has a fcked ankle and likely won't make a difference.

El Foldo will look like a hero to the idiots this week.
What a joke this and most of the threads on this forum. (1) You root against the Canes. (2) You're anxious to see "how badly we get beat". (3) You support banners flying over a road game. Just stay in your little room with all of your insecurities and delusions and don't come out until you grow a pair.

Go Canes!

Have another doughnut.
Would never be able to actually cheer against my Canes, however if/when we lose I won't be nearly as upset/mad as past games and see the benefit of the loss if it means changes...........big picture view in full effect
This kind of attitude is BS.

Once a Cane always a Cane....grow a pair.

this is pure stupidity. anyone with an ounce of football sense can see that we are completely dead in the water with F/A/G the HC. the faster hes gone the better and the fastest way to get him out is to lose often and ugly

Go ahead with your losing attitude but a TRUE CANES FAN NEVER ROOTS FOR THEM TO LOSE PERIOD CASE CLOSED !!!!!

It's called the Al Golden syndrome
I want Golden gone as much as anyone. That being said I hope we pound the living **** outta VT. Still can't bring myself to root for us to lose. If you could guarentee me that A loss would make the administration make a change then maybe. No faith in our coach no faith in our AD and no faith in Administration. It's a very dark place to be. Dark. Never been more discouraged than now. Hate to be negative but I can't take it any more. Donofrio's quotes make me furious. He should be fired for those comments alone! Hope we win but truly almost indifferent to the whole ******* mess.
I will watch. I will be ****ed if we play like ****. I will be sick to my stomach and embarrassed if we play scared. I will hope that we can somehow overcome the huge steaming pile of loserness that has been dumped on our U.

The only thing that worries me is that we will get to some point in the season that I just won't care to watch anymore. I hate what this coach has done to my program.