Aggressive GamePlan

calinative umstudent

Apr 28, 2014
Everyone always talks about how they want an aggressive scheme on offense and defense. How is this for you?
The Collectors: Undefeated - ESPN Video
This scheme calls to ALWAYS go for it on 4th down, ALWAYS onside kick, and even is starting to implement a rugby style system of laterals.
Just wondering if you guys though something like this could eventually work its way into college football, or if you guys even like the idea.

Personally, I think that it would lead to more wins than losses, but also there should be limits. For example, I think whenever you are inside your own 20, you should punt. I honestly wouldn't mind going for an onside kick every time, especially if I was a team like Cal this year, who has one of the worst kick coverage units I've ever seen and constantly lets other teams start at the 35-40.

I do think that teams should already be going for 4th downs after they cross the 50; college kickers only make it an even better idea to go for it.
I was going to say it sounds overly risky, but watched and am intrigued. TBH, I don't think we should be getting rid of the punter just yet, but maybe going on 4th down should happen more often.

OT a little bit, read an article about the Raven's punter and how he's changed punting with how he uses misdirection. He aligns his body one way, then twists and kicks to the other side. Makes it hard to tell where the ball is going, and because of the torque on it, the ball is very hard to catch. Just thought it went along with this concept of questioning how you've always done things.
Yeah i think its a little to much to always force yourself to always go for it even at your own 5, where if you fail the other team is guaranteed to get points.
I do think that this is something that could transfer to college better than the NFL though, because special teams just aren't that good. College kickers are typically terrible and usually cant be trusted, so even if you give them good field position it isn't a guarantee that they get points.

Chip Kelly was the kind of guy that always took risks while at Oregon, going for 2 pt conversions very often, and it usually payed off. Bill Belicheck believes that going for it on 4th down more often is good as well, because the stats back it up.

But if you look at the course of a game i think if you always go for it between the 35's, I think that it will net you more points than you lose.