A good team finds a way to win when having a bad day.


5th year sophomore
Jan 30, 2012
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.

go away with your hate. take out the acc officials and replace them with another conferences, and we are 6-0.
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.

go away with your hate. take out the acc officials and replace them with another conferences, and we are 6-0.

Uh, no. The ACC Tobacco Road crowd had nothing to do with Mark Richt's 3 and Out play calling.
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.
I always enjoy a glass of kook aid with my cupcakes.
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.

Then says more.
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.

Can't we just say that "we are a team"? Why do we need the additional pressure of living up to any numerical expectation. Personally, I'd be happy with getting a participation trophy.

I came.
I saw.
I participated.

Winning is for sissies.
i'm not really mad we lost.. i had us chalked up for 3-4 losses this year. I'm mad at the style of play, and the subsequent loss. If we had slinged it around and tried to win etc.. the loss would suck, but i'd get over it. We lost running it up the gut into loaded boxes, and that's just unacceptable.
Enough said about our team. We are a 7-5,8-4,9-3 team. I can't believe so many drank the kook aid again after we beat 3 cupcakes and a weak GT team. We all want to be better but reality is reality. Dam you caneinsight mfer's for making drink the kool aid again.


Nah, the errors in the two losses were for the most part self-imposed. If basic ref calls are made in critical situations like face-mask in the red zone, possession by WR on a scoring play, and phantom holding on the back-side of a running play for a score, then we could easily be 5-1 if not 6-0.

Our o-line has been bad and Brad has been un-expectedly bad.. No one could have foreseen these types of losses at the beginning of the season if we knew the defense would be this good! Half way through the season we lost by 1 to FSU, 7 to UNC, and have not surpisingly been outclassed in o-line play. Most pegged FSU & UNC as potential losses anyway, but not in the self-destructive nihilating fashion we've demonstrated this season.

You play the result and do it poorly.. Come again.
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Take things one play at a time.
If everyone does their job we will be fine.
We gotta want it more than they do.
Give 110%