Green eliminates Miami

The defense is going to be good!? Thanks Dorito for the clarification!
So why haven't both of them committed to USC then? They might as well pull the trigger. Miami was the only other threat to get Green and that was the longest shot in the world. Kids might as well announce now, its not like we all don't already know where they going.
did that A-hole just say the defense is going to be good w/ or w/o you???? huh???? what type of recruiting bull is that?? THIS is why golden and his horrid pansies need to bounce, immediately.
I'm not sure why anybody ever thought we were going to pull these kids. You're setting yourself up for this. This has very little to do with the coach or staff. It's not like these kids passed on Miami to go to FSU. They're staying in CA. WOW, what a big shock
Must of been this sales pitch


Put it like this if he does commit to us most of you will plead that he won't stick

And if he doesn't commit it will be labeled as another miss when clearly, to most of you insiders, he wasn't coming to begin with..bunch a dummies

So by your logic, if our staff fails to properly recruit a position because they allocate resources and time into a long shot stud from the west coast, and since people with common sense can see he is not coming here, it should not be labeled a miss?

I have no problem with how the staff recruits anymore because it is evident they are not going to be here for long but your statement is horrible. This is not even a case of negativity and mopery. This is a case of common sense.

Once they started letting anybody become a writer on this here uh website it all went to the ****ter.

Common sense..smh

1) we're in his top 4 this late in the game
2) playing early is huge for this guy as it has been mentioned before, we have NO legit DT's, besides Jenkins (jury still out)
3) people closer than you to the situation, cause I guarantee you're no Cali insider, have stated we actually have a shot, maybe even in the lead
4) he's taken an OV

But common sense says we have NO shot at all..FOH

1. Top 4/5 mean nothing. We were in two runningbacks top 5 that didn't even visit
2. You question my intellect as a staff writer, but yet you cannot even comprehend my post, ironic. Saying he is not coming here is not the equivalent to saying we have no shot.
3. By people closer to the situation you mean one crystal ball and Keyshawn Johnson tweet, sure
4. Yeup

It's common sense. He is not coming here. That is no equivalent to we have no shot.

Green is a on visit high and entertaining the idea of playing at miami the most right now. Once he visits USC and asu it's over. Your post had Nothing to do with the chance of rasheem green coming to Miami. You were attacking posters for their supposed negative outlook on the situation. I responded by saying the posters were using common sense and this was not a case of mopery and negativity. Again, in your response post you created a strawman by attacking an argument I never made. No where did I say it's common sense that we have no shot. It is common sense that this kid will not come here.

Now, back to the original content of my response post....So by your logic, if our staff fails to properly recruit a position because they allocate resources and time into a long shot stud from the west coast, and since people with common sense can see he is not coming here, it should not be labeled a miss?
I mean, there were really people who thought this was a 50/50 chance

Green is really thinking of coming here he said his parents really enjoyed the visit here I think we have a real shot


Put it like this if he does commit to us most of you will plead that he won't stick

And if he doesn't commit it will be labeled as another miss when clearly, to most of you insiders, he wasn't coming to begin with..bunch a dummies

So by your logic, if our staff fails to properly recruit a position because they allocate resources and time into a long shot stud from the west coast, and since people with common sense can see he is not coming here, it should not be labeled a miss?

I have no problem with how the staff recruits anymore because it is evident they are not going to be here for long but your statement is horrible. This is not even a case of negativity and mopery. This is a case of common sense.

Once they started letting anybody become a writer on this here uh website it all went to the ****ter.

Common sense..smh

1) we're in his top 4 this late in the game
2) playing early is huge for this guy as it has been mentioned before, we have NO legit DT's, besides Jenkins (jury still out)
3) people closer than you to the situation, cause I guarantee you're no Cali insider, have stated we actually have a shot, maybe even in the lead
4) he's taken an OV

But common sense says we have NO shot at all..FOH

Dont state facts on this board... cmon man your really messing with the nutjobs now.
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I'm not sure why anybody ever thought we were going to pull these kids. You're setting yourself up for this. This has very little to do with the coach or staff. It's not like these kids passed on Miami to go to FSU. They're staying in CA. WOW, what a big shock

Completely missing the point. No one is shocked. We're sending staff out to California to talk to two kids who were not coming here while we either won't recruit or can't convince kids within 50 miles of campus to commit to Miami. Golden took a pass on south Florida this cycle and the feeling appears to be mutual. The area wants no part of him and this plan which appears to be fueled by arrogance to go get players from across the country is blowing up in his face.
I'm not sure why anybody ever thought we were going to pull these kids. You're setting yourself up for this. This has very little to do with the coach or staff. It's not like these kids passed on Miami to go to FSU. They're staying in CA. WOW, what a big shock

Completely missing the point. No one is shocked. We're sending staff out to California to talk to two kids who were not coming here while we either won't recruit or can't convince kids within 50 miles of campus to commit to Miami. Golden took a pass on south Florida this cycle and the feeling appears to be mutual. The area wants no part of him and this plan which appears to be fueled by arrogance to go get players from across the country is blowing up in his face.[/Q

So why haven't both of them committed to USC then? They might as well pull the trigger. Miami was the only other threat to get Green and that was the longest shot in the world. Kids might as well announce now, its not like we all don't already know where they going.

Because thats not how you market your team, brand or player themselves. Not saying it will happen in this situation but think about it.

The kids other choice is ASU which is a PAC-12 team. Now just USC needs to use some of their media resources or through the kid directly to throw out some miss info about leaning toward ASU. This causes fans at that school to get all worked up about the possibility creating a story which hypes up the player and team for which he eventually lands.
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did that A-hole just say the defense is going to be good w/ or w/o you???? huh???? what type of recruiting bull is that?? THIS is why golden and his horrid pansies need to bounce, immediately.

Unreal. That seriously sounds like how a disgruntled CIS porster would satirize a Dorito in-home pitch.
im still laughing about that, teams that are stacked with DTs all over the place would still not say that **** to a kid, yup they lost it
This staph spent all this time and money to fly across the country to recruit kids at a USC pipeline school but couldn't be bothered to walk down the street and knock on Fenton's door. Talan is like a 20min drive. smh

embarrassing. EMBARRASSING.