Peak College Football


Dec 29, 2013
Tonight's game was another recent example of how College Football, at its precipe, can now only go down from this season on...

The game tonight had a lot of casual fans tuning in, many who may have no allegiance to Miami, but were rooting for the 'Canes simply because FSU and its players are so distasteful. Many are young and "Thug U" is only a reference point if they watched the 30 for 30. What did they get? A Jimbo/Jameis fawning network, a clearly biased officiating crew seemingly directly supervised by conference officials desperate to keep a conferance team in the "playoff" and a constant warchant by FSU fans and band, oblivous to the Native American issue in sports (and unknowing of the bribes to the Seminole tribe).

To wit:

- The game is now becoming dominated by the same schools over and over, schools with lavishly-funded athletic departments that so rule campus life that they are perceived as football teams first and universities second: Alabama, O$Uck, FSU, Nike U (Oregon), and LSU come to mind. Yes, all large state schools with no shortage of schools emulating them: Texas, Texas A&M, Georgia and so on. Even private religious universities in the South are trying to join the athletics arms race; think TCU and Baylor. They are not anywhere near academic powerhouses, so Football is their way to big $$$. A lot of schools don't have the ability or inclination to compete in these ever escalating arms race, even among power five conference members.

- The five power conferences are totally in control and the NCAA as a sanctioning body is becoming as useful to them as the United States Auto Club (USAC) became to Indy car racing. Like USAC, the NCAA is a failing organization with corrupt leaders who curry favor to remain in their positions. Like USAC was by the Indy speedway owners, the NCAA is gradually being marginalized by the power five conferences. BTW, anybody watch Indy cars anymore? How about Boxing? You know, the sport with the WBA, WBC, WBO, and IBF all trying to be the sanctioning body?

- One network, with finite resources, controls the sport. Yep, ESPiN. What FOX1, BTN, CBS and NBC's Domer coverage can bring in $$$, ESPiN trumps. After spending big $$$ for rights fees, ESPiN wants the narrative controlled to ease allied programming costs and recycle stories as needed. Yep, the games themselves are coveted, "non-DVR'ble" programming, but what if people start tuning out live repeats of the same 10-12 teams over and over? The "playoff" with its selection committee is a joke, leading to more running up the score and Conference control of officials to assure the "correct" outcomes.

- The demos are changing. Soccer is gaining ground rapidly, Mom's are forbidding sons from playing football, and there was 63,000 people watching a rugby match in Chicago at the start of the month. Sports is fracturing folks...

It was fun while it lasted, now it may die under its own weight in about ten years.
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