2 things that need done immediately by coaching staff


Jan 31, 2012
There are a lot of issues here obviously but the top 2 changes are Miami has to start a new QB and a new punter starting against Savannah St next week. The 3 shank punts in a row, Rosier's pick 6, as well as his inaccuracy basically accounted for a big reason why we lost.

We need to find a QB before UNC/fsu games and ride him rest of the year. No excuse why miami should not win out rest of the year before Acc title game.

Go Canes!
Obviously Richt is a FRAUD.
He had 7 months to get a 4 star QB recruit ready to replace Rosier whom is a horrible QB. Richt suppose to be one of the best at developing QBs. That team he put on the field last night is grossly overrated. The defense hasn't got better. The offense is worst. And Richt he is a nice guy but a overrated coach. We will lose a lot of games this year because of his coaching style being implemented. He looks worst than Golden so far this year. Sorry but Richt is a FRAUD.
Now we see why Georgia fired him. Actually we saw it last year but we were in denial because of a few lucky wins.
Obviously Richt is a FRAUD.
He had 7 months to get a 4 star QB recruit ready to replace Rosier whom is a horrible QB. Richt suppose to be one of the best at developing QBs.
As someone who watched how Richt operated over a decade and a half, I don't think these are mutually exclusive. Richt is one of the best at developing QBs. He's also terrible at bringing someone along slowly by giving them small pieces and then adding to them. His method is a 2-3 year process and he can't vary from that without considerable problems. Look back at his time at FSU: Chris Weinke was the first quarterback to start for him that wasn't a junior...and he was a 26 year old sophomore.

Now we see why Georgia fired him. Actually we saw it last year but we were in denial because of a few lucky wins.
I said it for years when he was in Athens. Richt was a great coach. From 2001 until 2005 he was elite. When Kathryn got cancer, however, he changed...and I can't fault him for that. Lord knows that would shake me up. That was the moment, though, that he began to disengage; it was the moment he had to pick between family and football...and he chose family. That's not a shot at him, either, because it's the same decision I would've made. The problem is that when you're paid $3,000,000 per year (at UGA, I think he's over $4 million with y'all), that decision is out of your hands. Your job isn't just the top priority, it's the only priority.