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  1. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    Most def. On another note. But what about the protestors in Belarus?
  2. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    So I can kinda agree w those saying if you run what do you expect. Fair enough. Although the police have other options besides emptying a clip into you, I can get on that wavelength no matter how wrong I believe it to be it's just the reality of our law enforcement. Not condoning it, just...
  3. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5 He attacked a bystander btw too. Taken without shots fired.
  4. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    They be re main ones parroting Ingraham, Malkin, Owens, Kirk, Shapiro, Limbuagh, Dsouza, Hannity, Carlson, Rion, Lauren, Beck, etc. So Baaaah all day in this instance.
  5. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    I'm with you here. I know Bron has his voting initiative, but its gotta be a collective thing.
  6. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    Ratings are increasingly **** for all sports in the era of chord cutting, except cfb, and they were down too until this year. I do agree w your initial point about what sitting ultimately solves. They need to use their platform for more, and Im sure they'll attempt to.
  7. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    Y'all don't really care about China. If you did, you'd be on the NFL's *** too, which actually has a pretty big presence in China unbeknownst to many. You'd also be on Apple's ***. And...
  8. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    Let's say the players wait for these facts you're talking about. Let's say they come out next week for argument's sake. And it is confirmed the officers were in the wrong. And then players decide to sit out. Would it be acceptable? Something tells me no matter when they sit, certain folks will...
  9. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    I think the 17 year old white supremacist shooting 3 people is what pushed them over the edge tbh.
  10. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    Cool. Me right now then --
  11. supersaiyanshel

    NBA Bucks just boycotted Game 5

    Kyrie Irving tried to warn them. His message was met with deaf ears by the players simply bc of who he is (an *******) and his comfort level (easy for him to say he's not playing when he has a guaranteed 100 mil. dollar contract), but he was ahead of all of em on his. I'll be ****ed at missing...