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  1. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    It's a mini-series, but Chernobyl is the best thing out right now for me.
  2. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    He shouldve put Sansa in her place and reminded her that he is ALSO the rightful heir to Winterfell.
  3. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    This ones not even really that funny, but it had me rolling.
  4. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    Again, I dont think they are the majority either. But a minority doesn't always equal small. The critics of this season are not a small homogeneous group writing Arya fan fiction in their spare time. They are actually quite diverse.
  5. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    I'm not assuming anything other than that it'll probably change over time. I didn't say whether itd be for better or worse, or even sunrise where its starting point is. What I will say is anyone acting like those who didnt care for the finish represent a small vocal group is being...
  6. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    It'd change over time, much like the Star Wars prequels.
  7. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    Hashtag in demthrones. You'll see that it's waaaaaaaaay more than just super-intelligent up-to-date hipsters who thought the season was trash. If you enjoyed the season cool, but don't wholesale dismiss those who hated it as if their complaints aren't valid. I do agree about sci-fi/ fantasy...
  8. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    Started the comic at the beginning and gave it up for this same reason. I'm beginning to believe more and more that shows should hang it up after 5 seasons. It seems to almost always go downhill after that.
  9. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    Should've at least smashed one last time.
  10. supersaiyanshel

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    Truth is the shows been on a downward spiral for a couple of seasons now. Almost every complaint you heard about this season could also be applied to Seasons 6 and 7. Now, when your peak is arguably right up there with the god's of television, a slump still puts you above 99 % of anything else...