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  1. S

    NBA Lebron: great b ball player, world class pu$$y

    It means he's a brainwashed sheep... But yes it if't in good nature, and based on facts, and for the right doubt I would respect him even if not the cause.
  2. S

    NBA Lebron: great b ball player, world class pu$$y

    If you for some insane reason, are still worried about contracting covid, stay the f**k home? And you got that little BLM shirt on in your pic...Shocker. Brainwashed little sheep.
  3. S

    NBA Lebron: great b ball player, world class pu$$y

    Another sanctimonious sheep now wearing 2 and lining up for an anal swab. Just an fyi I hear they are limiting those anal swabs, so that little plan you had to go every single day for that test isn't going to work. They'll catch on.
  4. S

    NBA Lebron: great b ball player, world class pu$$y

    Lol Imagine about still caring about a mask off...Pure snowflake sheepdom