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  1. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    Seems like they specifically called out his deal in the guidance. Would be interested in understanding how they structured the deal. Media just made it out like he's paying every player a stipend a month. Didn't the NCAA send an inquiry letter? You'd think something would have been said if they...
  2. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    10 years in Court is 10 years the NCAA can grant sanctions to UM if we choose to stay a part of NCAA. We can't break out of the NCAA on our own.
  3. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    Lol read the fine print of all their stuff. It essentially says please see your state law.
  4. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    I have zero doubts this happens. Think they try going after our deal with every player, Texas, and BYU as well. I feel like their clarification clearly states you can't offer blanket NIL
  5. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    And technically that is lack of institutional control and even worse when boosters are involved. Ruiz is on record saying he speaks with UM compliance several times a week
  6. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    The ncaa and ADS think they know what's best for the student athletes, when in reality, all they care about is their respective institution. They're worried about: 1. Decreased contributions to the school due to money going to NIL 2. Inflation of cost to acquire players they were once capable...
  7. R

    Rumor They Are Making Noise About A "Ruiz Rule"

    100% and based on comments I've read, they know John will sue. They don't care. Just investigating us period is a win in their eyes. Regardless of outcome.