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  1. raincane

    Does Culture Flowe from Geography?

    You know what’s hilarious about this idiotic debate. The guy never said “south”. He said east coast lmao, so what you consider south is not even relevant at all.
  2. raincane

    Does Culture Flowe from Geography?

    Why would he be a moron for considering three clearly east coast locations to be east coast... I’ll make this simple: Florida is on the east coast of the US, Georgia also is, South Carolina is as well. Buy a map and it can help you a lot.
  3. raincane

    Does Culture Flowe from Geography?

    I get that we have no chance at this kid. But WTF, Miami is literally on the east coast. If anything people would probably more refer to Miami as east coast than they would as southern. Even though those terms are not at all mutually exclusive, as you seem to think lol.