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  1. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    At Temple, those ****ers are on their knees every night thanking God and lighting candles to bless Blake James for saving their asses from Diaz
  2. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    sickening .... he aint worth $2.50 a month
  3. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    respectfully .....keep shaking your pom poms and keep pumping that sunshine, while you wait another 15 years for that "colon cleansing" ...and by the way, Diaz aint gonna figure nothing out ... maybe it will sink into your skull someday ... DIAZ LOST TO FIU ! have a good night .
  4. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"
  5. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    i wouldn't let a kid of mine get within 1000 miles of a team corched by this fake wannabe
  6. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    Miami football needs a Diazectomy and radiation treatment for Stage 4 Blake James disease.
  7. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    he can't even keep his stories straight .... he is like a drunk driver weaving all over the road ..
  8. mdpcane

    Diaz owns up to FIU loss: "That responsibility falls upon me"

    If Diaz was a real man he would admit the job is too big for him ... and RESIGN !