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  1. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Didn't read anything beyond this. Who hurt you?
  2. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Wait. What? Hold the people at the top accountable - not the one person at the very top? Last I checked, the Board selects the President, Chairman, or CEO to run the company/organization, then expects that individual to execute the duties of the office. I agree that we should hold the BOT...
  3. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the BOT can't make changes to other employees status without the President. The Board can fire the President, or not retain them, but the President oversees the other employees. Just as Frenk could and did fire Blake without the knowledge or consent of the Board...
  4. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Welcome to the board, Donna. Appreciate having this kind of insight shared with us. Hoping I can learn something from you. Since when does real estate not generate cash flow? I admittedly don't know the specifics of UM's endowment investments in the late 90's or early 2000's and am taking...
  5. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Interesting. Doesn't surprise me. I'm just going off what I've read about it being extremely profitable the last few years. Of course, I've also heard that health care is extremely capital intensive and that basically all the profits have to go right back into the system in the way of...
  6. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Well said and rational. One could argue lack of skill versus lack of awareness and caring for the historical significance, but nothing in here that a reasonable person could strongly dispute. At the end of the day, her bet on UHealth paid off big, while in other areas her leadership proved a...
  7. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    The school had the money, they just allocated it elsewhere. All of this is generally fair and well reasoned.
  8. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    I would add to the pros column her role in building the UHealth system, which is now hugely important to the University as a whole. I would also add to the cons column the clear fact that she established a standard that the athletic department as a whole and football in particular be...
  9. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Solid work. Start by making it personal, then mention a bunch of meaningless stuff without addressing any real specifics. You've got the formula down to a T. There's no doubt you are an intelligent person/poster (although quite childish at times), you are just dogmatically blinded by your...
  10. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Bull****. The person at the top takes the credit and takes the blame. That's why they're at the top. All those other letters are just a bunch of slurping distractions from the bottom line. This kind of crap is exactly why OP was right to start this thread. As long as there are otherwise...
  11. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Sometimes, the only way for old wounds to heal is for them to be periodically redressed. Memory holing the situation does nothing either. OP has a valid point and posted information that directly contradicts many of the narratives heard very recently and poses new questions. Nothing is to be...
  12. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Dead on. If you just shrub your shoulders and move on every time you step on a rake, you’re doomed to just keep stepping on takes, Sideshow Bob style. Saying “that’s in the past, let’s look forward” is the refuge of scoundrels who want to blame everyone else for failures, avoid all...
  13. g8rh8rMD

    Sleeping with the Enemy (Shalala)

    Respectfully disagree. This particular dead horse can simply not be beaten enough. The witch tried to kill our beloved, and there was nothing we could do but stand by and watch. The least we can do is “never forget”, and make sure it never happens again.