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  1. duke4heisman


    Pretty sure that was @NicKane get in here and defend yourself mane.
  2. duke4heisman


    Nothing has changed, Flake Shames still sits to pee.
  3. duke4heisman


    Eh, it was only $20. Figured I'd say my piece here
  4. duke4heisman


    Then Flake is WAY more incompetent than I could have imagined. It's not even incompetent, it's down right negligent.
  5. duke4heisman


    There are plenty of ways a mayor could have fattened the pockets of some of the BOT while in office with under the radar deals. If you're saying you know, then I'll believe you but my point still stands about firing after 2 years. FSU was an extreme outlier, no school does that after 2 years...
  6. duke4heisman


    You honestly don't think it's possible that a former mayor has pull? Especially paying 4 million to hire Manny within hours, with his resume? As incompetent as Blake is, I don't know man.
  7. duke4heisman


    But he's a great fund raiser, bro.
  8. duke4heisman


    I certainly hope that's true but we have nearly 2 decades of evidence with garbage hires who were given horrible extensions and given way too much time. I still find it hard to believe that they'll fire him after 2 years, regardless of record. Especially if his daddy has pull like some indicate.
  9. duke4heisman


    Your sig..... LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  10. duke4heisman


    Honestly at this point, I think it's time to refund and ride out '20. I say that as a donor, it's quite obvious that flake and Shanny are going nowhere, even to the point that they can nix a Zo hire, with no repercussions and a billboard isn't going to change it. It's also going to lose some of...
  11. duke4heisman


    No mane, Morgan and Morgan...for the people. #law....that's all.
  12. duke4heisman


    This absolutely has to go up, IDGAF if it's in the pork and beans projects. As Big Perm.... I mean, Big Worm's the principle, there's principalities to dis ****!
  13. duke4heisman


    Another company complained about the board? It never went up right? Did you ever disclose their name? I don't recall seeing that, I guess it's process of elimination near the airport but LOL at them putting far more effort into monitoring and sabotaging a billboard, than Into their own coaching...
  14. duke4heisman


    My thing is, the whole thing was all about the language. That specific issue is what caused @305_separatist to seek this second company and engage in language clarification. He even posted conversations with them that clearly showed they knew of and approved the message. I guess if there was a...
  15. duke4heisman


    So you're saying they put the nix on this second one? I don't know what to think anymore but just need to get it done on the sneak tip and just start a new thread when it's up with pics
  16. duke4heisman


    You said to @NicKane you bet he thought the people calling against the banners for Butch were shills too. Insinuating the results could be the same for manure.
  17. duke4heisman


    Never, ever ever ever ever ever ever compare manure to Butch Davis the football God.
  18. duke4heisman


    Great job, I'm glad I decided to pitch in.