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  1. dantheman349

    ED REED COS: Brilliantly executed chess moves....

    I know not every great player can coach, but hes not really in a coaching role at the moment. Hes advising, Diaz on everything that is the program. and the dude knows winning and what winning looks like. I'm rooting for him as well but i see this as a win. I'm not saying now Diaz isn't on the...
  2. dantheman349

    ED REED COS: Brilliantly executed chess moves....

    how do you not think he's qualified? He's won more than a national championship That dude is a hall of famer, super bowl champ, defense MVP, and one if not the best safety to play the game. He knows more about winning than anyone on our staff. He might not be able to make decisions but he can...