Search results

  1. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    Not being pursued.
  2. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    That's a first.
  3. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    Thier must be a daily competition to see who can type the most diarrhea infused post. #makecwayamaude @RVACane
  4. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    "Been talking to Addae" LCE don't miss.
  5. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    JD > JC
  6. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    Got dammit LCE why didn't you send these names sooner.
  7. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    LCE fired shot, must have missed.
  8. cway313

    2023 2023 CB Rodrick Pleasant

    More importantly have they been notified of him?