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  1. ThomasM

    WTF!!?? No Fine or Suspension for Rudolph?? GTFOH

    I was talking about the QB.
  2. ThomasM

    WTF!!?? No Fine or Suspension for Rudolph?? GTFOH

    Exactly what I was thinking. If you don't suspend Andre and Finnegan, why would you suspend the QB here for getting ****y? Fined, most certainly. Suspensions are for major issues. Neck stompings, helmet swingings, tackling Tom Brady.... There's an old saying. Never argue with an idiot...
  3. ThomasM

    WTF!!?? No Fine or Suspension for Rudolph?? GTFOH

    Dude, if Andre Johnson didn't get suspended for beating down Finnegan, why would this dude get suspended?