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  1. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    Let's make this thread incredibly clear for the clueless porsters who don't understand things. UiF and F$U have copied (and attempted to one-up) Mario, who orchestrated multiple coaches sending multiple birthday cards to a recruit's mother. There is absolutely no danger, or "need to be...
  2. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    He's a clueless millenial. I made an incredibly simple point, that what Miami did for Cormani's mother (sending multiple personalized birthday cards) is now being duplicated (as well as attempted one-upping), and then this dope had to go after me with his snide "you do realize that was an...
  3. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    He has no ******* clue what point he was trying to make, he's just trying to start fights with people he can't beat, and then call people old as if it's an insult. He's just another clueless internet-obsessed young person who feels compelled to porst when he has nothing to say, and then...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    Oh, but it's a DIFFERENT birthday, so these efforts must be 100% original and completely unrelated to Mario's initial birthday cards to the mother...yeah, right...
  5. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    Keep doping it up, dopey. We sent multiple cards first, and now everyone is trying to outdo us. That's a fact. It's not each and every time, genius. It's the fact that she posted what we sent her, and now everyone is trying to outdo Mario, regardless of separate birthdays. Oh, but sure...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    Yes, and we set the first standard, which they are now trying to outdo. You do realize that, right?
  7. TheOriginalCane

    FSU and UF birthday wishes...

    You do realize they are trying to outdo our "every coach sent a personalized birthday card" effort?