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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    I have confidence in your ability to bring every thread back around to food. Kudos, sir!
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    How can a thread be racist? Now, a person can be racist, but a thread can't be...
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    Come on, he's just proud to be white. Plus his avatar is Travis Bickle. So you know this won't end well... "All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    You seem to be losing the context of where you are again. D-Money owns the site. You don't. All the "First Amendment" citations in the world are not going to save you on this argument.
  5. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    RVA posted a PICTURE of troops to joke about the impending crackdown on mopes and name-callers. You made not one, but two p-analytical jokes. Context, amigo.
  6. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    I still believe in 14-1...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    Yes. Plus, if someone actually documented it, most of us fall somewhere on the rainbow spectrum of being angry/dissatisfied with Manny right now. Very few "I'm Manny's ride-or-die" posters at this point. So the "moping" is just angry-Cane-on-angry-Cane violence.
  8. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    It's entirely possible that you were not the best person to deliver that line, but I still love ya!
  9. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    Completely agree. Some folks, once they have staked out an "early hot-take", become heavily invested in being "proven right", so they spew hatred 24-7-365 until their "predictions" come true.
  10. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    Plenty of room for criticism. Plenty of room for thoughtful criticism. But it's the same 20 mopers who are saying THE EXACT SAME THINGS today that they've said for years. Only now they are trying to say it's "accurate", when it's actually the same monotonous poison that they've been spewing...
  11. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    ****, it only took 3 posts in the "What They're Saying in Sparty Land" thread to derail the thread into Mopeville.
  12. TheOriginalCane

    Operation Public *****…

    No need to mope-jack a KTDT-like thread, right @RVACane ?