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  1. TRick72

    247 is going in on blake james and the admin (new article just dropped)

    Agree on Manny that it’s going to get real dicey on firing him if we win tomorrow. As far as Flake goes he likely would have been safe if Manny won some games if he kept his mouth shut. Fortunately he’s such an incompetent boob that he panicked and threw Manny under the bus. Now he will face...
  2. TRick72

    247 is going in on blake james and the admin (new article just dropped)

    He likely yields more power and influence now as the Vice Chair of the State Democratic Party than he did as Mayor. The national party was not happy with the previous guys results after the amount of money they poured into the state in last election cycle and he’s promised them significantly...
  3. TRick72

    247 is going in on blake james and the admin (new article just dropped)

    Agreed, It wouldn’t surprise me if Flake went around bragging about getting that concession in negotiations at the time. Then due to his incompetence he just never bother to check to see if any other school ever got more money.
  4. TRick72

    247 is going in on blake james and the admin (new article just dropped)

    Although a thorough article by Lake, he left out the part about what a "massive mistake it would be to not hire Chud"......
  5. TRick72

    247 is going in on blake james and the admin (new article just dropped)

    Been trying to tell everyone, you can't want Manny gone and at same time root for wins. Its unfortunate, but those are two incompatible desires. Too many people getting greased on that board, even the ones that want him gone. There has to be no doubt that Manny is not the guy to lead the team...
  6. TRick72

    247 is going in on blake james and the admin (new article just dropped)

    The day you switch names back is the day Lake drops this bombshell......Coincidence????? I think NOT