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  1. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    When's the last time a politician's kid was killed in a school shooting? I think we know why, because they're guarded with guns. When was the last time Israel suffered a school shooting? Not since they learned their lesson and started protecting them with guns. There is no rolling back the 2A...
  2. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    At least in this case that's not nearly as bad as blaming the gun. But **** his parents/family for ignoring his psychopathy (if that's what happened). If they knew better and still allowed him access to their firearms they are culpable IMO. Also I'm curious how he snuck an AR15 into the...
  3. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Colt Gray. Sounds like the parents might be gun people.
  4. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Rumors it was a female... More likely a transgender imo. Also rumors coaches were shot.
  5. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    The road to suing gun-manufacturers has been in paving for decades...
  6. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    It did. Bull**** passed by congress doesn't change the intent of our founders.
  7. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Either way he's making a fool of himself. He doesn't understand the CONUS is NOT an enumeration of the peoples' rights, but an enumeration of the limited powers of government. It's very sad that every discussion about the Bill of Rights ends up being an elementary school civics lesson.
  8. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    I would, but free speech doesn't apply to the internet... cuz its not explicitly in duh confistutshunz!! Clown lol.
  9. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Have you ever been right on this site? Do you ever post anything of real substance? LOL.
  10. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Yes. He's also saying: Free speech only applies to literal spoken word, handwritten letters and the Gutenberg press - not email, chat, television, radio or telegraph. The government can search your home without warrant if it uses modern steel or stick frame construction, can search your...
  11. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    This is the dumbest take I think ive ever heard regarding the constititution. That the constitution is chained to 'existing technology'? Is that what you believe originalism means? Lol. Are there really liberal scholars who believe this? If so who?
  12. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Arms were 100% around then, how do you think the revolutionary war was fought? Long rifles, artillery, warships... 100% existed. Try again.
  13. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Let me break it down for you really slow... "arms" in our founders' time, meant weapons of war, weapons armies and militias would use. The 'public meaning' of 'arms' during the time of the drafting of the CONUS, were arms militias and armies would you. Stop being ridiculous to prove a semantic...
  14. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    No, that's just stupid, and you should be ashamed of yourself for being so ill-informed. Would it blow your mind to find out that during our founders times, privateers commanded the equivalent of modern-day US Navy warships? As someone who has no idea what a militia is, of course it would.
  15. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    When our leaders banter about bans every few days terminology matters. An understanding of the gun law and terminology should be a prerequisite before entering into a discussion about their legality.
  16. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    So most handguns and most rifles.
  17. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Wrong. The answer is none (that I'm aware of).
  18. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    WTF is a rapid-fire rifle? No 'idiot' can just get one. Do you know how expensive and rare automatic weapons are on the US market? It's easier to find a US-made one in Afghanistan! Go bring back the APCs, Blackhawks and M16's you left in AFG before you lecture us on the dangers of American and...
  19. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Do you know how many crimes have been committed with legally owned automatic rifles? You should google it.
  20. Suhrthing

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    "You need nukes and F15's to take on the government, so we'll just take your guns since they're a lost cause." #LaWjiCkS