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  1. Salt


    I don't disagree. I only dispute the point where an analytics result sways one's decision to make a change. There are obvious numbers then there are negligible ones. I am not disputing analytics is not helpful.
  2. Salt


    I gave you a 90% chance of responding like this.
  3. Salt


    Well if you can actually demonstrate that in practice rather than theory I would give you a 2% chance of convincing me. I suspect you are now highly motivated to try.
  4. Salt


    If I'm a GM approving contracts in the millions you will not be on contract long with 2% improvements in anything if you are not producing in general. But that's just me I guess.
  5. Salt


    But statistically you are still winning about 1/2 your games. If I am a GM label me as unimpressed.
  6. Salt


    Yes... but I was replying specifically to the example provided of winning and losing. Improving your chances of winning by 2% seems pretty negligible to me.
  7. Salt


    if analytics gives you only a 2% chance of winning than without, I would guess analytics isn't the main issue and you would be better spending your resources elsewhere like improving recruiting, coaching and player development..