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  1. Rellyrell

    What a world we live in…

    Bro, I hadn’t talked to him in a minute, so I was checking his temperature about how he felt about the game, & he texted back: “Bro, I don’t follow KU ball anymore.” I was shocked af so I called, and when he said things have come out back home that’s not being reported, I was like oh chit...
  2. Rellyrell

    What a world we live in…

    Talked to my boy who’s a former big KU fan, & a former Witchita St player in the 80’s. He said the news back home (he’s from Oklahoma) about the KU + Adidas chit is muuuuuuuch worst than what was nationally reported. He said it’s so bad that he stopped following KU ball. He said Self is on tape...