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  1. Rellyrell


    My man; well said. See, your post is reflective. We all got stories man, so why do we put this wedge between us? B/c of skin color? It boggles my mind. We learn so much from each when we talk and communicate w one another. We have so much more in common b/c we’re all human beings v. focusing...
  2. Rellyrell


    Fellas; u know what we just did? We just had an open dialogue from different views. History was given to give context on how we ended up here, but from what I’ve seen from the great majority on here despite views, political representation, is that we need continued change. Fck the stats for a...
  3. Rellyrell


    I’m even more intrigued! Lol
  4. Rellyrell


    Sparking? Brotha, anyone is invited to a spark session. Lol.
  5. Rellyrell


    The anger is not about cops shootings whites and blacks; it’s about cops shooting unarmed blacks, choking to death blacks begging for their lives over petty crimes. So what the police data is not going to show is how many of these victims were shot due to a shoot out v. being unarmed or being in...
  6. Rellyrell


    Man, I’m sorry for your experience as a child man. My heart truly goes out to you and your sister bro. Your last sentence is the key; learning from it. It appears some have not learned from the past, but rather are still perpetuating the past by other means. And I believe that’s where this...
  7. Rellyrell


    Agreed man, and I'm truly, truly sorry for your losses.
  8. Rellyrell


    I escaped Compton, and those O&G glasses, and the O&G glasses was much harder to escape. Lol.
  9. Rellyrell


    I agree w both Candace & Burgess to an extent. However my thing w Candace is that she tends to trivialize issues and use inaccurate statistics to back up her views....kinda like we do here on CIS to defend Manny’s defense. LMAO.
  10. Rellyrell


    Haven’t heard anything regarding Burgess. I know he’s a Republican & he wanted to repeal reparations and affordable care, but haven’t really heard anything about him.
  11. Rellyrell


    I agree; “us” have always been the goal. If u look at it from all parts of life, the moment am argument becomes me, and not us, then we’ve failed. But in order for it to be us, like I told my soon to be ex wife who’s a strict “me” person, we gotta see everything from a panoramic view, even if...
  12. Rellyrell


    And @Empirical Cane So this is going to a lonnnng post, but it needs to be stated: It’s really hard for non blacks to understand this. First off; please don’t use Candace Owens as any, and I mean ANY representation for Black America. Just b/c she has a black skin tone, does not mean she’s...