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  1. RattlerCane305

    What if..

    Well, I think there's a big difference between say, little Italy and going to an all Italian college. College is learning about yourself and a taste of the world around you. The broader your horizons at the time the better of you'll probably be in the future. Living in a all white community is...
  2. RattlerCane305

    What if..

    Nobody stopped Tim Tebow from becoming a BCU Wildcat. I'm pretty sure no one in Greensboro would be upset if Sam Howell woke up tomorrow and decided to transfer to North Carolina A&T. If Miller Moss flipped from USC to Southern, the students and alumni would be ECSTATIC. Although history has...
  3. RattlerCane305

    What if..

    Obviously I'm for them. First and foremost they were created because no White institution in America would accept a Black student, point blank. Some people may hear the acronym and think there may have been a time when non-Black students couldn't attend, and even the truly ignorant(not in the...
  4. RattlerCane305

    What if..

    That's all it would take. There are enough wealthy black folk to get the ball rolling. Will they is another question, and so far the answer has been no...
  5. RattlerCane305

    What if..

    I'll tell you what and I'm not gonna go any further. You'd see a lot less kids being chewed up & spit out by the machine of major college football. No other school will love them for who they are beyond what they do on an athletic field like an HBCU. Argue with me all you want on that, you're...
  6. RattlerCane305

    What if..

    That would make me as happy as The U putting foots in FSU...