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  1. RVACane

    Gator Brawl and Mullet Antics

    It’s a translation thing. I was probably talking about Santiago. Sosua had a ****** museum and many streets named after tribe members. Trujillo let them in when they fled the ****’s. He sent them to settle Sosua and was hoping to “whiten” his population- this is the history I’ve read. So they...
  2. RVACane

    Gator Brawl and Mullet Antics

    我去过和爱上了他们两个,并带我的孩子在Playa Encuentro的Cabarete上冲浪课。索苏阿在第二次世界大战期间和之后曾是犹太人的城市。特鲁希略允许我的一群人逃离纳粹党。今天那里存在性旅游问题。我的大部分假期都在我爱的拉斯特拉纳斯度过,但大部分时间我都在圣地亚哥,那里是我的妻子。我每月要去Covid之前去那里,然后在那里工作。我很快就会回到那里,并在某个时候从那里生活和工作。 We better switch back to English before the spam sensors get us. Lol
  3. RVACane

    Gator Brawl and Mullet Antics

    我很好,我的朋友,谢谢,希望你也很好。我从多米尼加共和国回来,幸好测试为阴性。我担心人们会产生错误的安全感,而又不小心。 请原谅我关心拖钓的好朋友。他很好,他是一个好家伙,只是不认识你。最近,我们的董事会中涌入了一些巨魔。 无论如何,我们将解决所有这些问题。
  4. RVACane

    Gator Brawl and Mullet Antics

    What I miss? It’s probably an accident if it’s him. Edit: I saw it. I don’t know what’s the story there. I’m pretty sure he’s a Cane fan. He and I talk in Mandarin sometimes.
  5. RVACane

    Gator Brawl and Mullet Antics

    It’s all in Gator Tears where I posted videos and all. Mullet’s a mess.