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  1. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    Lol. I’m in my early 50’s. OGH is a stone cold millennial killing machine.
  2. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    😂 Both you and @OriginalGatorHater technically classify as Millennials and neither of you posts like the “stereotype” attributed to that generation. Lol - OGH might be more Gen X than me and I’m year 2 Gen X.
  3. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    Boomers and Gen X though I’m Gen X raising Z.
  4. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    I think it’s somewhat accurate in my generation.
  5. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    Honestly, there’s good and bad in everything. I have a Millennial working closely for me right now. He’s an ex Marine and college grad 30 year old and he’s awesome. I had another Millennial like that too who was great. I’ve also had the stereotypical Millennials and they’re annoying as fûck. And...
  6. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    Yeah I’m an ADHD self-absorbed Gen Xer so I’m more focused on my shît and we definitely start in 1965. I’m 1966. My latest wife is 1981. That said, yeah, the last 3 years have been Gen Z. This group of Z is similar to late Millennials just like early Gen X and late Boomers are similar, IMO. My...
  7. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    I think the chart is wrong. I think this is accurate:
  8. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    I don’t think your chart is right. Everything I’ve ever seen breaks the Boomer/Gen X line at 1964/1965. I went from living with a last year of Baby Boom to marrying a first year Millennial.
  9. RVACane

    OT: For the old dudes in here that keep calling people younger than them Millenials

    Holy shît, I married a Dominican millennial. I’m Gen X. I thought we started in 1965 not 1960. I learned some things in here.