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  1. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

    That's all we ever asked for. Coaches with credentials!
  2. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

    That's.... That's sad. Who was the next highest? Perryman?
  3. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

    That boy sure loves him some James Williams! 😍
  4. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

    I'm deadazz about to shed a few tears seeing this. We really have a REAL coach coaching LBs? I never want to wake up from this dream.
  5. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

  6. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

    FVCK no. I hope they rot and continue to rot.
  7. Page305

    Confirmed Charlie Strong: DONE - LB coach & Co-DC

    Naw.... No ..... No ******* way Miami dropping **** like this now. Bro .... What!??? This is insane.