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  1. P-Tizzle

    [Not Another] Bat Signal [Thread]

    Fly ball…caught
  2. P-Tizzle

    [Not Another] Bat Signal [Thread]

    Just a reminder, fans, comin' up is our "Die-hard Night" here at the stadium. Free admission to anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won a pennant.
  3. P-Tizzle

    [Not Another] Bat Signal [Thread]

    So credit Cerrano with an RBI, and that play could be a finalist in the Trojan-Enz Boner of the Week Award.
  4. P-Tizzle

    [Not Another] Bat Signal [Thread]

    He’ll need a rocket up his *** to catch that one
  5. P-Tizzle

    [Not Another] Bat Signal [Thread]

    Irsuro Kamikaze Tanaka, formerly of the Tokyo Giants, has knocked himself out for the third time this week. Maybe in Japan that’s actually better than catching the ball. Personally, I think he’s trying to get out of the lineup.