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  1. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    Ask anybody that is a medical professional that interfaces with people that suffer from the disease and they’re going to tell you it’s 99% sexually active *** men that are raw doggin’ it. Facts are facts.
  2. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    I don’t even want to know
  3. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    The word is “angry”, not “mad”, and no I’m not angry. What I am is astonished, and extremely worried for the future of our youth, that someone like you is allowed to teach children.
  4. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    It is predominantly the male homosexual community that is affected, and that is not even a question. Get your facts straight, teacher.
  5. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    Mail in voting for everybody now. Got to watch out for that monkey pox.
  6. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    Meningococcal disease can kill you in literally hours, HIV has not been a death sentence for decades due to available drug ****tails. Monkeypox is not very transmissible and nobody ever hardly dies. Meningococcal disease wins.
  7. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    I think if you avoid inserting your ***** into other men, or vice-versa, you’re gonna be good to go
  8. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox

    @CDWright40 @JBCanes-NC @Dr.L.ThugU Do any of you guys know if monkey pox is spread by having *** with trannies?
  9. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    Off-Topic Monkey Pox***-and-bisexual-men-as-monkeypox-spreads-in-community-.html? This is not easily spread.